(14-07-2022, 03:45 PM)Behappyalways Wrote: I am a bottom up investor. Which is why I continue to build up a small database in investideas. So that when I want to catch a fast glimpse on a particular stock, I could just open up and take a look. It gives me a feel on the company before I go into deeper research.
But I realised that if a stock market crash is coming then most stocks' price will probably come down. Maybe a few stocks would behave otherwise but the probability that they are the ones one hold.....is pretty low. In normal times ( no market crash) bottom up will do well.
When your portfolio is significantly down due to market crash, it takes quite a while to restore it to former value. So one not just need to learn to pick up good bargains, but also need to learn how to protect it from losses.
Remember Warren's rule number 1..... don't lose money....
快下大雨了, 快收衣服
If you are not active trader there is no need to protect from losses as that means you are timing the market which has been historically proven to be almost impossible to get right and also doesnt make much difference in a longer term compounding portfolio.
In hindsight it would have been best to sell all stock and get into a cash position at the moment till fed PIVOTs. But if its a V shaped recovery will you be able to get back in time?
However if you do it the long term compounding dividend "buffett type" way then market crashes are just excellent opportunities to deploy cash.
For example, I have stocks that are paying me 20%+ dividend yield on cost and share price has gone up 2x-3x over past decade. if market loses 40% and stays down, i would break even in 2 years easily vs if i sell and lose enjoyment of that cash flow...
IMHO better to be diversified with other assets like property/metals/cash/bonds/etc as even during a recession not everything moves down in the same percentage.
You have also slightly misinterpreted warrens rule, what he means is not to buy investments as something you are prepared to lose, which is more akin to gambling. You have to try to understand the company well that you are buying so as to make an informed investment thats lower risk but has a fair chance of good gains over a longer term.
Virtual currencies are worth virtually nothing.