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今天给大家讲 , 当你用这个愿力想到 " 我今天做任何事情都是为了让一切有缘众生离苦得乐 " , 这个时候你的境界就是不一样的 。因为当你是想让一切众生离苦得乐时 , 这个时候你的境界是在天上 , 你是菩萨 , 你是佛 , 所以你的境界就不一样了 。对不对 ? 念经效果当然不一样 。你们一定要明白 。
当你想到有缘众生 , 什么叫有缘呢 ? 凡是学佛的人都是你的缘众生 ; 凡是愿意相信的人 , 他都是你的有缘众生 , 大家听得懂吗 ? 所以要让众生修 。如果你在念经的时候想到是为了度众生而念经 , 你想想看这个能量有多大 ?
如果师父不告诉你们 , 你们一辈子都不会知道其中的奥妙 。 你们就知道自己念经 , 以为我念经了 , 哎呀 ,我的身体好了 , 工作好了 。 如果当你的愿力跟你的念经一起来的时候 , 你知道你得到的是什么吗 ? 如果你脑子里想着百千万亿劫的众生 , 你得到的就是百千万亿的能量 , 明白了吗 ?
举个简单的例子 , 如果一个董事长想去工作 , 但是他的身体很不好 。如果这个时候他想到了 " 我是董事长 , 如果我今天不去的话 , 这个公司就会停产了 , 公司就做不下去了 " 。 那个时候为了众生 , 为了更多的人 , 他会增加百倍的信心去工作 , 实际上这个能量就是他想到了大家 。
再举个简单例子 , 在中国汶川地震的时候 , 我们几个慈善单位大约订了一千个帐篷要马上做好从澳洲运去中国 。一下子这么多 , 工厂里他们做不出来 , 但是大家都在拼命地赶 , 为什么 ? 因为大家都想到了救灾 。-这时他们只要一想到那些苦难的人 , 他们的精神马上就不一样了 , 他们就会拼命地做 。对不对 ?
这个例子就是说 , 当你念经的时候 , 你只要想到众生 , 你就是菩萨 , 你就接受到了佛菩萨的能量 , 那时你散发出的佛光是无穷无尽的 。所以念经很重要 , 不是一个人给自己念念玩玩的 , 不是念小说 , 而是给自己和宇宙空间所接气的 。如果你接受了这个宇宙空间的能量 , 你就能散发出这个宇宙空间的能量 。大家听得懂吗 ?
-- -- 摘自白话佛法4
《 9 点燃心灯 广度有缘 》
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Dear Dharma friends,
To allow our English speaking followers to understand better the teachings of Master Lu, our centre will conduct the next Dharma sharing session on:
Date: 13th Sept 2015, Sunday
Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm
Venue: 95, Tanjong Pagar Road, 4th level
Tel: 62222603
1. Regarding Mid Autumn Festival
2. Methodology To improve Recitations :
- preparation before recitation
- how to recite effectively
- latest update on do's and don'ts
3. Recitations Improve Our Well Beings
4. Testimonial on practising Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door
5. Q&A
Note: Decent dress code (long pants, no skirt, low-cut designs, bare-back or sleeveless blouse).
Thank you with metta
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Wenda20150904 06:03
Male Listener : Master, what are the best scriptures to recite while onboard a plane?
Master : All scriptures are suitable, for example, Great Compassion Mantra, Heart Sutra. Also if you recite the 10 Small Mantras, you may be able to connect better with the Bodhisattvas in relation to these scriptures, thus the effectiveness will be enhanced. For example, when you recite Great Compassion Mantra and Heart Sutra on earth, Guan Yin Bodhisattva will come down, right? (Yes). However, when you recite the 10 Small Mantras, the relevant Bodhisattvas to these Scriptures are generally more minor, even though they want to extend their help to you, at times, they are not able to reach us on earth. Instead, when you perform such recitations in the sky, you will get immediate blessings from them. There was a dharma friend who wasn’t very lucky in his marital relationships. Every relationship had ended up futile. He ceaselessly recited Da Ji Xiang Tian Nu Shen Zhou while he was onboard the plane until he fell asleep and he dreamt of many heavenly maidens. After he touched down, his relatives "matchmade" him and they got married in less than half a year. Ha…ha..(I understand, thank you Master for your compassionate discourse) .
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Shuohua20141128 02:38
Lady Listener : What should we do when there are improper, evil or distracting thoughts. Do we ignore it, divert our attention, or take a look at Bodhisattva image on the amulet? Which method is better ?
Master : When improper or distracting thoughts arised, it is best to gaze at the sky, allow your heart to connect to its energy field. Then, start to think of Guan Yin Bodhisattva in your heart. Take a look at the image of Bodhisattva on the amulet and etc. That will help imprint the image of Bodhisattva onto your mind. These are all solutions to the problems. For example, if a person wanted to perform an evil act, at that moment, he took a look at the image of a devil, and committing the evil act would not seem wrong to him. He will continue to live the life and perform the acts of a devil. Have you ever wondered, why bank robbers wear the masks of the devils? Do you think if they were to put on masks with the images of Bodhisattva, will they dare to rob the bank? Ha…ha…This is the light...the light of Buddha shining. With it, they are restrained from any evil acts.
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1. 同修分享学习心灵法门后治好了久治不愈的怪病。过去吃很多活海鲜,造了很多杀业,通过忏悔治好了皮肤病。坚持做功课念小房子放生,终于康复了。同修先生手指关节疼痛,打针吃药都不管用,通过心灵法门三大法宝(许愿、念经、放生),一段时间后,手指奇迹般的好了。同修朋友烧了一千多张小房子后治好了儿子的病。
2. 胡同修(科学家)分享通过念小房子挽救了刚出生宝宝的生命。接触佛法后,通过一点一滴的求证,各种灵验事件不胜枚举,终于信服。宝宝出生后意外窒息,生命很危险。梦中得知前世做过强盗,今世才有这个果报。经过及时的抢救,宝宝的生命抢救回来了。放生两万条鱼和念小房子后,宝宝恢复正常。
3. 同修自闭症的儿子从七楼掉下去了,送到医院抢救过来了但没有过危险期。帮儿子念经后儿子度过了危险期。后悔没有早点知道心灵法门,让儿子吃了那么多苦。坚持念经学佛,儿子越来越好。学佛后自己的心越来越平静,儿子越来越懂得关心妈妈,与丈夫关系越来越好。
4. 上海顾同修分享通过学习心灵法门治好绝症,创造医学奇迹。患上干燥中合症,被医生告知全世界都无药可医。病情不断恶化.。接触心灵法门后,求观世音菩萨保佑自己念经的时候舌头不要疼,果然不疼了。通过念经许愿放生后,病情持续好转,身体各项功能恢复正常,连医生都觉得是奇迹,不可思议。另一个绝症海绵肾也好了。
5. 意大利黄同修分享先生意外昏迷,医生束手无策,同修通过做功课念小房子,诚心祈求观世音菩萨后,得到观世音菩萨加持后,先生苏醒了,连医生都惊叹!先生苏醒后说:观世音菩萨就站在我们前面!此后,先生病情逐渐好转。
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