Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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Wenda 20151129B 47:11
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)


Caller: Master Lu ever said that we have to immerse our hearts into the scriptures whenever we perform recitations. Please enlighten us on how do we achieve it, Master Lu.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Listen with your ears. For example, listen to your voice when you are reciting. However, many people will fall asleep quickly while listening to their own voice. It is alright to fall asleep, just continue to recite when you are awake. Listen to your voice as you recite.

Caller: Okay, thank you Master Lu for answering my question.

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Wenda20160306A 41:10
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)


Caller: When we pray to Guan Yin Bodhisattva about using our merits and virtues to eliminate negative karma in the case where spirits are present, are those merits and virtues used directly to repay the spirit? Or they could be used as a substitute for _Little Houses_ (a combination of Buddhist texts) to reduce the number of _Little Houses_ required to repay the spirit?

Master Jun Hong Lu: It is difficult for merits and virtues to be used as a substitute for _Little Houses_. In fact, merits and virtues serve to enhance one’s energy. A person with stronger energy recites more powerful _Little Houses_. While other people’s _Little Houses_ may have 50% power, the _Little Houses_ recited by those with stronger energy can have 70%-80% power. The latter will be more effective, of course.

In addition, when you have energy, you can store that energy for later use, such as avoiding disasters or mishaps. While others may be left helpless when stricken by calamities and disaster, you, with enough energy, can get away with them as soon as you pray. For example, when someone causes you trouble, you can pray to Guan Yin Bodhisattva to bless you and eliminate that misfortune. A few days later, that person may stop bugging you. On the contrary, for a person with little merits and virtues, even if he prays, he won’t be able to avoid trouble.

Caller: Thank you, Master Lu.

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Wenda20111127 75:06
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)


Caller: Can we recite Little Houses while doing household chores? Is it considered improper?

Master Jun Hong Lu: No, it is not considered improper. Most importantly, you have to concentrate while reciting Little Houses. If you recite Little Houses while doing household chores, as long as you do so with a sincere mind and avoid any mistake, you will still be able to gain merits.

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*Difference between Good Deed and Virtue*
Master Jun Hong Lu, 9 Feb 2009

Many of us are familiar with the saying, “what goes around comes around”. This is equally true from the perspective of Buddhism. Good deeds and good beliefs refer to benevolent actions and compassionate thoughts. Each of these is recorded, and when the time is right – positive karmic rewards will result. Similarly, evil actions and thoughts are also recorded, and the negative karma or punishments are never missed. However, the positive karma from benevolent actions and compassionate thoughts cannot counteract the negative karma from evil actions and thoughts. In other words, if a person has performed many good deeds, but at the same time has also committed a serious sin – this person will receive positive karma but also cannot escape from the negative karma. This explains why sometimes someone who is widely considered to be a good person can end up suffering in hell when he passes away.

Virtue is a profoundly emphasised element in Buddhism. What is virtue, and what is the purpose of accumulating virtues? Virtues are in fact benevolent actions and compassionate thoughts. However, vows need to be made in front of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for these benevolent actions and compassionate thoughts to become virtues. If vows have not been taken, or the mind has not been brought forth[1] to perform benevolent actions and to have compassionate thoughts, they will merely remain at the level of self-expression, regardless of whether they were self-motivated or influenced by Buddhism. For example, a person has been vegetarian for many years but he has never made a vow in front of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to be vegetarian. Even if he remains vegetarian for ten years, it would merely be considered as his preference. It is therefore important to make vows in front the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to commit yourself to perform benevolent actions, including helping others, making donations, volunteering, etc. In fact, even actions such as displaying filial piety and being kind to siblings should also be taken as vows or as mind to be brought forth in front of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. In Buddhist temples, where Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are given offerings (including the shrine where Guan Yin Bodhisattva is worshipped), every benevolent action you perform is automatically considered as a virtue and no further vows are required. Benevolent actions and compassionate thoughts are only transformed into virtue when they are witnessed by the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, just like asking a JP to certify a document before it is considered to be legitimate.

So what is the purpose of accumulating virtues? We are all familiar with the danger of negative karma – they are hidden in our Alaya consciousness like viruses hidden in a computer. When the time comes, they are activated as spirits that take actions on humans. This is why some people can suddenly go from good health to suffering from a terminal illness, being involved in a fatal accident, or experiencing calamity. For some people, their negative karma is so severe that their entire life is not smooth – their complexion is dull, and they complain about everything. If a person commits sins or kills other living beings, but his positive karmic rewards have not yet finished – then the evil actions or thoughts will be transformed into negative karma and stored in the Alaya consciousness. The Alaya consciousness is the eighth consciousness in our eight consciousnesses. It is the fundamental consciousness. There are innumerable seeds stored within this consciousness, which can lead people to perform benevolent or evil actions (mainly by targeting the thought process). Only virtue can enter and counteract the negative karma stored in the Alaya consciousness, and therefore cease the negative karma. This is what “The body is a Bodhi tree, the mind is like a bright mirror stand. Time and again brush it clean, and let no dust alight” means – that we need to use our virtue to clean the dust in our mind.

One of the most important purposes for accumulating virtues is to counteract and cease negative karma, which is the first task for every Buddhist cultivator. Only when the negative karma is ceased, that your mind can be purified, your wisdom can be obtained, and enlightenment can then be possible.

[1] “Bringing Forth the Mind” (Fa Xin) in Sanskrit is bodhicitta-samutpāda.

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We know that we should not waste our lives away and here are four things in particular that we should not dwell on:

Number 1: Our worries. Worries are an absolute waste of our lives. To worry is to make things difficult for ourselves. Why get anxious over problems that we are unable to resolve? As a result, you get tensed up and fatigued physically and mentally. Consequently, you will fall ill.

Number 2: Do not waste your time complaining. Please remember, all unnecessary complaints will only keep you away from happiness. Complaints are downright useless, and serve no purpose in extricating you from predicament of life.

Number 3: Do not waste time blaming others. When a problem arises, to blame others will only bring about bitterness and unhappiness thereafter. To blame the circumstances when things are not in your favour is a negative and passive attitude of life. From the Buddhist perspective, this is known as negative energy; and a mentality lacking self-confidence and the ability to undertake responsibilities.

Number 4: Do not compare with others, as it is an utter waste of time. The more you compare, the unhappier you will be. Being joyful and happy are personal feelings. They are not derived from our comparison with others.

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(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)


Caller: Many fellow practitioners felt that their fellow mates found them cultivating very well, but could not avoid the calamities or misfortunes when the situation arose. Master Lu said we are not able to judge how others are cultivating, we can only judge for ourselves if we are cultivating truthfully. How do we determine if we are cultivating truthfully?

Master Jun Hong Lu: How do we judge, only you are clear about yourself! Do not let others judge you. True cultivation comes from your heart! Every good and bad thing that you do are with your conscience, don’t you think so?

Caller: Understand, in future when we do anything, we will do it openly for everyone to know, including myself.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Right! Everything must be above board and open here. A person who likes to whisper is disrespectful and off the course! What is there to be ashamed of?

Caller: Many fellow practitioners organise group _life liberation_ activities and practise Dharma together, actually, we should spend a little time to cultivate our inner selves, right?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Be clean about it, three or four people take charge together, understand? Do not let one person take charge or someone too young to be in charge of monies. Why do banks need cashiers and accountants?

Caller: Alright. Thank you for answering my question, Master Lu.

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Wenda20140504B 50:18
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)


Caller: A friend of mine in my neighbourhood used to be a fellow practitioner but had given up in the end. According to her, though she had benefited a lot from the practice, she felt that doing daily recitation and Little Houses had taken up too much of her time. On top of that, she still had to take care of her children. As such, she felt very stressed out. I asked her if she had experienced positive changes in her life brought about by the practice and she was quite certain she did. What advice shall I offer her?

Master Jun Hong Lu: It’s very simple. Do the monks get stressed out by performing recitations day in and day out? No pain, no gain. A person who refuses to study hard will end up learning nothing and working in low-skilled jobs. Without diligent cultivation, how are you going to succeed? How can she possibly change her life if she thinks that doing a little chanting gives rise to pressure? It would be too late when she starts regretting on her deathbed one day, praying to the Bodhisattva that she would recite scriptures. There’s nothing I can say about your friend. It can be attributed to lack of conditions, her laziness and weakness.

Caller: Understood.

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