(19-02-2015, 12:24 PM)sykn Wrote: Many thanks to VBs - quite a number of my stock picks came from ideas surfaced in this forum. Let's band together and help one another to avoid kena makan(ed) by the sharks in the Red Ocean this coming year. Happy New Year to all and have a great holiday.
Do believe that with the advent of crowdfunding, the rise of "crowdfunding" for stocks could be a reality.
Even without an actual official fund to invest in a company's shares, it will be possible to coordinate a buy up and realisation of value in a stock.
All it takes will be for a significant enough group of investors to share their investment online and for everyone else to agree with their investment ideas and go for it.
Very soon OPMI could become OAMI (outside Active Minority shareholder).
For eg. if enough of us buy up enough stake in a small cap, we could vote Cyclone or Cityfarmer into the BoD and put pressure on management to better utilize cash hoard by bonus div or share buy-back

In fact, we may already have enough significant stake added up together in certain small caps to do this. Unfortunately to really "band" together we would need a more transparent platform like facebook or linkedin to coordinate efforts and know each other better.
Something to ponder this goat year

Not many cash rich companies in SGX left now. But in theory could work for overseas markets as well like Japan with more cash rich companies.