How Much is Your Net Worth?

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(19-12-2014, 08:38 PM)Temperament Wrote:
(19-12-2014, 08:01 PM)yewkim Wrote:
(19-12-2014, 11:03 AM)Temperament Wrote:
(19-12-2014, 10:32 AM)orangetea Wrote:
Temperament Wrote:Your story may be true 100 %. So far there are 100s to thousand of motor workshops in this "Little Red Dot" and no such case surfaces. Touch wood. Still your advice is not out of the "commonsense". Of course if i can afford to own an "exotic car", will i send to any Tom and Dick's" work-shop for servicing? Nevertheless, in Singapore, there are non-agent workshops who specialise in servicing BMW, MERCE and what not Exotic cars. Other cars please go to other workshop hoh! Little RED DOT is very small, we can choose a "Reputable Workshop" accredited by "AA" after doing a little homework. So not necessary every time send car to agent like Borneo Motor for small little repair. You know how much agent charges compare to non-agent workshops. And if you own a car it's better to know something about your car and service and maintenance. Just like if you want to be in the Stock Market, you better keep learning and gather as much knowledge as as possible about Stock and Market or about Market 1st then stocks. i think i learn Market 1st then Stock. i still do. YMMV.

I concur.

I usually go for second hand cars because it is considerably within my budget. Though these days used cars carry external workshop warranties, but the repair and service is not up to par...and they gain back their cost of warranty by "carrot chopping" owners with higher charge of non covered parts and fluids.

As i have been irked by the quality of repair works and costs by "conglomerate" repair shops and mechanics, i have taken to educate myself and acquiring tools from amazon and direct spare parts buying from local dealers.

Henceforth the driving of my car now is an experience of both fun and joy - to track the car operation as well as my handling and foot to pedal. Much like investing.

Similarly, the quality of repair knowledge and equipment here vs the US is similarly comparable with SG and US stock market. There is more depth in know-how with mechanics there compared to here. In sg, it is stuffed mostly by malaysians who once know jow the repair is done, they leave. The turnover rate is high and the depth of skill retained here hits a ceiling. Local sg don't take up learning nor graduates do these repairs because of surpressed potential wage in jap, korean cars. Dang, we don't even plumb our pipes at home.

My car maintenance sharing is at

Just for the auto enthusiasts....
Spot on.
When i did minimum maintenance of changing belts drive & associates, i purchased complete set from Borneo motor. When i changed my front disc brakes, brake oils, in fact any things that i want to change or need to change, i always buy the originals. Even then you have to make sure who sell the originals as originals. This concerned the safety of your life man. No copy cat spare parts.
And i learn all these from my brother-in-law (he is a ship's engine technician). And of course some knowledge from the Internet.
Finally you have to find a reliable W/S who is willing to charged you for labour only.

If part are not original, it causes problem later, and it is not lasting too. Always go for original part. Imitation part are rampant in the market. Imitation brake pad are not effective, and it is safety in concern. Why save and risk your life and that of your loved one?

So when you bring your car to workshop which you do not know them so well, they could cheat you, calling you to pay for imitation part as original.

It is cumbersome that we has to know everything in life. How is that possible? So I always go to agent , no worry anymore. Yes, it is expensive, but it is reliable. I don't means one cannot save money, yes, provided you know the workshop well enough. There must sure be some honest one around. But just like a good stock, they are gem, hard to find. LOL

After some lesson learn then I decided that enough is enough. Maybe you guy are so far lucky. Wish you guy all the best. Let get back to stock. When we make enough, our nett worth will increase multi fold, so we need not be so calculative anymore.

I don't means to be little other, if cannot afford, then settle for a cheaper one and so of course the part and service will be cheaper, thus we need not worry about going to agent, better than get cheat by bengkia, like your local call them.

In Singapore, if one want to live it up, then you got to pay more. That is unavoidable. Food, or anything.

The only way to increase your nett worth is by gg to NYSE and oversea market, SGX is tank. Look today, 90% over of the market are dead. Look at my counter in US, 30%, 50% and one got me 200% over. Why should invester put their money here, when they are spoilt for choice the world over. SGX is a big yawn. Sometimes I thought my computer hang up, because most of the counter are not flickering at all. hahaha. But u look US and HS, non stop flickering still market close.

Make hay while the sun is still shining, soon it will be all over, winter coming. Good luck.
From car to any kinds of thing if you are willing to pay, of course go for everything "original" from parts to services.
As for market the more volatile the market the better for active traders. And not necessary for "long-term" investor. Err... i meant long-term traders.

It is not a willingness to pay mentality, but rather what it is worth. Fake good and imitation good is worth ZERO, like your empty shell penny stock. British people call this..."Penny wise, but Pound foolish"...i think it is something like this, correct me if i quote this wrongly. This one is for all who think they can increase their nett worth.

In a bear market, every stock will be sold down, even the best of blue chip will not be spare. You follow it down and then up later, what profit you? In a bear, sell first, then buy back later will be a better option to profit even more. Yes, we may not buy at the rock bottom, but definitely we will buy at one of the low. And when it reverse, we will double our return. And when it bottom, it stay there for a long time. But you say it fundamental no change. But market don't care, it still go down all the same. To follow a stock down then up later is not value investing. It is unwise, you feel stupid.

Value investing does not means buy and hold till cow come home or the fundamental has change and we have to sell. We should sell when over all market and economy is gg to be bad. And buy back later at rock bottom price to profit even more so to increase your nett worth many fold.
If one buy now and then follow it down and then back up just to be even, what is his nett worth??? Isn't it better he sell , then buy back later to profit even more will add on to his nett worth?

Please do yourself a favor by not standing in front of a moving train. It does not pay to be a stubborn value invester

Calling oneself invester or long term invester or long term trader or what, is all the same. We buy low and sell high to make a profit, isn't it? Call me by any name is fine with me. Call yourself anything is fine, so long you don't lose money, and losing one life or your loved one by buying imitation good is stupidity at best. Think long term worth, not the affordability. Don't miss the forest for the tree.

This tread here should be rename how to improve our nett worth and not how much is our nett worth. We cannot profit from other people nett worth, so why bother??? WB is worth 33B so??? Peter Lim is worth 2B so??? Would not it be better that we improve out nett worth?
this car industry seems like the spa industry, bo chenghu
banking / insurance industry has taken may leaps forward since many years.. and well regulated now
property industry also improved somewhat

Kok Xing Hui | The Straits Times | Sunday, Dec 21, 2014

Car buyers claim they have lost more than $3 million to Volks Auto after paying deposits for imported models that never arrived.

As of 4pm yesterday, there were 97 "victims" in a list compiled by Mr K.K. Lo, who is leading the group of disgruntled customers. The average amount they had paid in deposits was $20,000 to $30,000.

Volks Auto owner Alvin Loo, 36, has gone missing and the dealership's doors have been shut since last Saturday when the first group of buyers made their police report. Customers said his phone had an overseas ringtone when they called him last Thursday, and the unanswered calls led to voicemail messages from Hong Kong and later China.

Calls to his mobile number yesterday could not be connected.

According to a neighbour, Mr Loo's house in Jalan Melor has been empty for about two weeks. He used his home address to register his business. Retiree Eric Soh told The Straits Times that three or four men and a woman moved into the bungalow three months ago. Two weeks ago, he saw lorries arriving to take away furniture and he has not seen any movement in the house since. "They kept to themselves and never said hi," he said.

Parallel importers, such as Volks Auto, purchase cars from dealers overseas and sell them in the local market for a profit, typically at prices lower than authorised dealers'.

Another parallel importer, Swift Garage, has offered to sell cars to Volks Auto's customers at "close to cost price" and without a deposit. Swift Garage partner Lee Yee Theng said he wants to redeem confidence in the parallel import industry, adding he had not received any inquiry calls since the news about Volks Auto broke on Monday.
- See more at:
(21-12-2014, 03:11 AM)yewkim Wrote:
(19-12-2014, 08:38 PM)Temperament Wrote:
(19-12-2014, 08:01 PM)yewkim Wrote:
(19-12-2014, 11:03 AM)Temperament Wrote:
(19-12-2014, 10:32 AM)orangetea Wrote: I concur.

I usually go for second hand cars because it is considerably within my budget. Though these days used cars carry external workshop warranties, but the repair and service is not up to par...and they gain back their cost of warranty by "carrot chopping" owners with higher charge of non covered parts and fluids.

As i have been irked by the quality of repair works and costs by "conglomerate" repair shops and mechanics, i have taken to educate myself and acquiring tools from amazon and direct spare parts buying from local dealers.

Henceforth the driving of my car now is an experience of both fun and joy - to track the car operation as well as my handling and foot to pedal. Much like investing.

Similarly, the quality of repair knowledge and equipment here vs the US is similarly comparable with SG and US stock market. There is more depth in know-how with mechanics there compared to here. In sg, it is stuffed mostly by malaysians who once know jow the repair is done, they leave. The turnover rate is high and the depth of skill retained here hits a ceiling. Local sg don't take up learning nor graduates do these repairs because of surpressed potential wage in jap, korean cars. Dang, we don't even plumb our pipes at home.

My car maintenance sharing is at

Just for the auto enthusiasts....
Spot on.
When i did minimum maintenance of changing belts drive & associates, i purchased complete set from Borneo motor. When i changed my front disc brakes, brake oils, in fact any things that i want to change or need to change, i always buy the originals. Even then you have to make sure who sell the originals as originals. This concerned the safety of your life man. No copy cat spare parts.
And i learn all these from my brother-in-law (he is a ship's engine technician). And of course some knowledge from the Internet.
Finally you have to find a reliable W/S who is willing to charged you for labour only.

If part are not original, it causes problem later, and it is not lasting too. Always go for original part. Imitation part are rampant in the market. Imitation brake pad are not effective, and it is safety in concern. Why save and risk your life and that of your loved one?

So when you bring your car to workshop which you do not know them so well, they could cheat you, calling you to pay for imitation part as original.

It is cumbersome that we has to know everything in life. How is that possible? So I always go to agent , no worry anymore. Yes, it is expensive, but it is reliable. I don't means one cannot save money, yes, provided you know the workshop well enough. There must sure be some honest one around. But just like a good stock, they are gem, hard to find. LOL

After some lesson learn then I decided that enough is enough. Maybe you guy are so far lucky. Wish you guy all the best. Let get back to stock. When we make enough, our nett worth will increase multi fold, so we need not be so calculative anymore.

I don't means to be little other, if cannot afford, then settle for a cheaper one and so of course the part and service will be cheaper, thus we need not worry about going to agent, better than get cheat by bengkia, like your local call them.

In Singapore, if one want to live it up, then you got to pay more. That is unavoidable. Food, or anything.

The only way to increase your nett worth is by gg to NYSE and oversea market, SGX is tank. Look today, 90% over of the market are dead. Look at my counter in US, 30%, 50% and one got me 200% over. Why should invester put their money here, when they are spoilt for choice the world over. SGX is a big yawn. Sometimes I thought my computer hang up, because most of the counter are not flickering at all. hahaha. But u look US and HS, non stop flickering still market close.

Make hay while the sun is still shining, soon it will be all over, winter coming. Good luck.
From car to any kinds of thing if you are willing to pay, of course go for everything "original" from parts to services.
As for market the more volatile the market the better for active traders. And not necessary for "long-term" investor. Err... i meant long-term traders.

It is not a willingness to pay mentality, but rather what it is worth. Fake good and imitation good is worth ZERO, like your empty shell penny stock. British people call this..."Penny wise, but Pound foolish"...i think it is something like this, correct me if i quote this wrongly. This one is for all who think they can increase their nett worth.

In a bear market, every stock will be sold down, even the best of blue chip will not be spare. You follow it down and then up later, what profit you? In a bear, sell first, then buy back later will be a better option to profit even more. Yes, we may not buy at the rock bottom, but definitely we will buy at one of the low. And when it reverse, we will double our return. And when it bottom, it stay there for a long time. But you say it fundamental no change. But market don't care, it still go down all the same. To follow a stock down then up later is not value investing. It is unwise, you feel stupid.

Value investing does not means buy and hold till cow come home or the fundamental has change and we have to sell. We should sell when over all market and economy is gg to be bad. And buy back later at rock bottom price to profit even more so to increase your nett worth many fold.
If one buy now and then follow it down and then back up just to be even, what is his nett worth??? Isn't it better he sell , then buy back later to profit even more will add on to his nett worth?

Please do yourself a favor by not standing in front of a moving train. It does not pay to be a stubborn value invester

Calling oneself invester or long term invester or long term trader or what, is all the same. We buy low and sell high to make a profit, isn't it? Call me by any name is fine with me. Call yourself anything is fine, so long you don't lose money, and losing one life or your loved one by buying imitation good is stupidity at best. Think long term worth, not the affordability. Don't miss the forest for the tree.

This tread here should be rename how to improve our nett worth and not how much is our nett worth. We cannot profit from other people nett worth, so why bother??? WB is worth 33B so??? Peter Lim is worth 2B so??? Would not it be better that we improve out nett worth?
Just practise what you think is suitable for you but not hurting others in doing so should be about alright. (Your T (Eq) is more important than your IQ in the stock market. Who said that?)

Just for laugh:-
Ha! Ha!
Sometimes i do ponder can we really do that in the stock markets?
When you sell to someone or buy from someone, both of you must be thinking the other party must be a sucker. So who is not? We all are once in the market from times to times. You win some you lose some. Is it possible to have win/win in the stock markets? i don't know. Definitely can't be in monetary terms even if there is.
On second thoughts, win /win situation is possible in monetary terms. But still each of us always think the other party must be a sucker.

1) Rule # 1, do not lose money.
2) Rule # 2, refer to # 1.
3) Not until you can manage your emotions, you can manage your money.

Truism of Investments.
A) Buying a security is buying RISK not Return
B) You can control RISK (to a certain level, hopefully only.) But definitely not the outcome of the Return.

My signature is meant for psychoing myself. No offence to anyone. i am trying not to lose money unnecessary anymore.
Win-win is tough. U look at South China sea. How? So come to money, even mother and son go to court. But market is base on willing buyer and seller basic, so one should not feel guilty because we did not cheat or bluff the other party to sell or buy, it is his due diligent and homework at stake.

Trading whether short or long term (value investing) is fine, so long we follow market trend. Value investing should has a stop loss too. Sometimes there are more than reason for price to come down other than market condition. But over all, i do agree that value investing do work, then why am i here for?

Yesterday, read one more s-chip got problem again, that was one a chip people say was good. I think we should keep clear of s-chip. We got so many good counter here, so why take the risk?
I just started watching Mr Loo's (1M65 movement founder) youtube videos. I feel one of the points he mentioned in one of his recent videos is rather interesting - if China relaxes its Covid policy, open up and millions of Chinese tourists start to travel around the world, inflation could get worse. 


The Multi-Millionaire Who’d Rather Live in a Jurong East HDB Flat
"His definition of being rich doesn’t come from living the high life or keeping up appearances; it’s about having enough to enjoy the freedom to pursue his life’s passions and for his children to do the same. It’s about staying perched at a stage where he doesn’t have to worry about losing anything — neither his time, his family, nor his fortune. "
"if China relaxes its Covid policy, open up and millions of Chinese tourists start to travel around the world, inflation could get worse."

that's a good and valid possibility. if you play that scenario out, it is likely that at the same time, supply chain tightness will also loosen up and port congestions etc would be much less of a bottleneck and lead to overall deflationary effects. net effect? i dont know. where inflation goes is in the too hard pile for me.
I might be missing something but I don’t recall high inflation pre-COVID when Chinese tourists were overrunning sakuras and HK; and generally few black sheep disgracing their 4000 years culture.

In general there’s a transfer of demand but the cash flow is very different
Before you speak, listen. Before you write, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you invest, investigate. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try. Before you retire, save. Before you die, give. –William A. Ward

Think Asset-Business-Structure (ABS)
Inflation is in the "too hard" pile for me as well. But as usual in practice, we can't resist creating some narratives..

"if China relaxes its Covid policy, open up and millions of Chinese tourists start to travel around the world, inflation could get worse."

I reckon this is probably in the context of oil prices, which works on marginal demand economics. And when oil prices rise, nothing is spared.

On a personal basis, I am not disillusioned that the resort package that is going for current prices will actually be higher if not for the lack of mainland PRC demand. And here is what is been mentioned in Dairy Farm International's AR20 report about Mannings HK (dependent on PRC tourists):

Mannings continued to focus on building its customer value proposition across key operating markets. Operating profit was US$66 million in 2020, a significant reduction relative to the US$296 million reported in the prior year. The reduction in profitability was primarily due to a shortfall in sales, partially offset by government subsidies. Faced with difficult trading conditions and a lack of tourist traffic, the Health and Beauty Division has focused on price investment to ensure relevance to our customers. In addition, the Group believes investments in digital, store design, the Yuu Rewards programme and Own Brand development will support market share growth.

I think big words like "value proposition" and "price investment" in simple English mean price cuts.
How I Saved $300,000 by 25 without Side Hustles!


According to the video, $300k after only 2 years of full-time work(ard $6k starting pay) !

The following article has a table showing the median salary of fresh uni grads.

Will it raise the bar(salary expectations) for mid-career workers ?

Meanwhile, prices of some 3 rm HDB flats have crossed $800k.
hi dreamybear,

For every high earner who spends all his/her salary on collecting watches/going for holidays, there will be the other extreme who saves all his/her salary. As OPMIs, we should actually prefer the former. Smile

Statistics like mean/median are quite meaningless because all of us more often than not, will not experience the mean/median. Similarly, it is also quite meaningless to form conclusions/create opinions based on single data point outliers.

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