This stock has been rising steadily these past few days. Thus I did a short write up.
Low Price to Book -This stock caught my eye as I have been looking at deep-value stocks. As of 19 April 2016, it has a very low Price to Book Ratio of 0.465.
Consecutive Net Profit with Dividend - The company has been consistently producing net profit and distributing dividend to shareholders for the last 5 years.
Below Net Current Asset Value Per Share (initially) - At that time when it was priced at 0.300, the stock is priced below its Net Current Asset Value of 0.322. This meant that whatever non-current asset that comes along with the purchase... it comes as Free of Charge!
Super High Intangibles - I have spotted this company a long time ago. But I hesitate to buy as it has a high intangibles amount. To me, intangibles are "nothing" and do not really has any physical value. It will be dangerous if companies just write them off suddenly.
What it really produce? - After googling, I stay cannot really identify what the company produce. I just know it is something that has to be in Electronics Applications. However, what are the uniqueness of this product that is produced by Ellipsiz, as compared to others?
Sunset Industry - The semiconductor industry is in a very uncertain period. Many companies are going through merger and acquisitions. Furthermore, with technology being ever-changing, will Ellipsiz continue to stay relevant? If it has to continue to stay relevant, then more money will need to be invested in Research and Development. Eventually, the super long term is grey and uncertain.
With this sudden rise in price, my time to offload the shares maybe near. However, I Intent to stay vested till the next financial report comes out.
(vested at 0.3. Now at 0.37)