Chairman Lim is 76 years old, has a 0.007% stake in the company and has been on the BOD since AFC97. But despite the 9year hard rule for ID, he has decided to offer his valuable long services to the company via the NEID designation.
But it seems like the other NEIDs are not of the same tune and they (Temasek) have abstained from the voting. And with the abstain, (Ex)Chairman Lim can now enjoy his retirement.
Mr Lim Ming Seong had signified his consent to continue in office and will upon re-election as a Director of the Company, be re-designated as Non-Executive Non-Independent Director as Mr Lim has served on the Board for more than 9 years. If re-elected, Mr Lim will continue to be the Chairman of the Company and the appropriate changes such as the appointment of a Lead Independent Director and changes to the composition of the board committees will be announced after the AGM
Number of valid votes “For” : 47,663,059 (44.59%)
Number of valid votes “Against” : 59,236,781 (55.41%)
Total number of valid votes received : 106,899,840
Based on the results, the Chairman declared the ordinary resolution not carried. As the resolution was not carried, Mr Lim Ming Seong will retire from his office as a Director at the conclusion of the AGM.