TMT Predictions 2014 : By Deloitte

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TMT Predictions 2014 : By Deloitte

Explore what's ahead in Technology, Media & Telecommunications

You can download the full report and watch video ( about 20 videos) covering the following topics + a look back on 2013 + overviews

Technology - TMT Predictions 2014
Explore the future in Technology: Sales of smartphones, tablets, PCs, TV sets and videogame consoles set to exceed $750 billion; What can we expect in wearable computers and other new device form factors? The emergence of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), and how will faster broadband boost online healthcare: eVisits?
Learn more about the individual Technology Predictions below:
• The $750 billion converged living room: a plateau approaches
• Wearables: the eyes have it
• One became many: the tablet market stratifies
• Wearable technology
• Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
• eVisits: the 21st century housecall

Media - TMT Predictions 2014
Explore the future in Media: Pay-television—cord cutting or increased subscriptions? Increased accuracy in measuring television viewing including viewership on devices; The continuing growth in value of premium sports broadcast rights; A growth story in recorded music performance rights set to exceed one billion dollars, and how use of satellite links impact the growth of ‘cordless’ video-on-demand (VOD) in countries with low bandwidth?
Learn more about the individual Media predictions below:
• Doubling up on pay-television
• Television measurement: for better and worse
• Broadcast sports rights: premium plus
• Performance rights lift recorded music revenues
• Cordless Video-on-demand leaps in Sub-Saharan Africa (VOD)

Telecommunications - Predictions 2014
Explore the future in Telecoms: Short messaging services vs. instant messaging? Phablets a $125 billion market led out of Asia; Smartphone penetration set to rise in the over 55 group, and the costs of ‘ruggedized’ data devices is set to decline.
Learn more about the individual Telecommunications predictions below.
• Short messaging services versus instant messaging: value versus volume
• Phablets are not a phad
• The smartphone generation gap: Over-55? There's no app for that
• 'Ruggedized' data devices at $250: reinventing the business case for mobile field force
Research, research and research - Please do your own due diligence (DYODD) before you invest - Any reliance on my analysis is SOLELY at your own risk.

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