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档案 20131002 香港女富豪龚如心生前身后之谜(1)

档案 20131003 香港女富豪龚如心 生前身后之谜(2)

You can find more of my postings in http://investideas.net/forum/
While watching your links, I saw another interesting documentary on the right column of the screen. It is on corruption during the Ching dynasty in China. The link is as follows :

During the Ching dynasty, high ranking provincial officials had for years wrongly reported drought in the Gansu province and corruptly keeping the disaster relief. When the peasants in the province revolted, the palace sent an army to quell the rebellion. The general leading the Ching army reported his progress was hindered due to heavy rains that rained for 3 continuous days. That was how the corruption was uncovered by the palace.

Unfortunately, the investigation of the disaster relief corruption case led to second and third waves of corruption.

The second wave was that, the magistrate sent to confiscate the properties of the corrupted provincial officials exchanged the precious artifacts with items bought from the market place and kept the originals for himself. The greedy magistrate swapped on such a massive scale that even the emperor did not believe the accuracy of the list of confiscated items submitted to the palace.

For the story on the third wave of corruption, one has to watch the next episode. I have not.
If you love Chinese history, the below video shows how Emperor Sung Taizhong murdered his brother Sung Taizu to become the next Emperor and steps used to pacified the opposition.....

百家讲坛 《百家讲坛》 20131020 王立群读《宋史》-宋太宗 5 无所不能

You can find more of my postings in http://investideas.net/forum/

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