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Anw this counter now is cui, becasue got some big block selling down. By foreign house, same house, every day at 330pm plus minus there is this block seller 500 lot who cant seems to sell finish.

1) either funds are shifting out their money to else where.
2) some substantial shareholder is selling.
3) holding down this counter.

Which ever is the lesser evil.
Monitor for some time.
Done few trade in few days to test the seller.

Until this thing is done then only will it move.

Having said tat. i did invest into this counter. So feel very sad.
hi kuku,
dun feel sad. it can't be a substantial shareholder since announcement to sgx have to be made if a ss wants to down his stake. but what's true is that one seller cannot fight against the mass public who see value in this counter.
i myself hold a several thousand lots of hup. (i am not the seller in case u think so. hehe). eventually this seller will finish selling all his lots and the counter will move up and he will realise his folly.
I also did notice there are big sellers, selling blocks of 250 or 500. I was hoping they will push the price below 0.190 Smile.

Anyway, you should feel sad only when the coming 3 quarters results in losses and management decided to cut dividend to total of 0.005 or give out none at all.

In all the years from 2002 to 2012, its earnings per share has always been higher than its dividend payout. If the dismay 1Q2013 results continues into subsequent quarters, you can expect a dividend cut because the eps will be less than the 0.01 dividend.
if hup's next few quarters eps remains weak causing share price to come down, i would practse dollar averaging n perhaps buy even more. because fixed asset ie ppties be it investment or non investment catogory of hups plus its cash would easily exceed 120m now. the cyclical upswing later on, causing capital gains would make any loss dividend(if any) insignificant.

this would likely be a multibagger stock with the recovery of the oil/gas/marine industries and redev of its land bank.

the only real fear is that hup wont recover from this down cycle which i think is fairly unlikely. oil n gas n marine industries are on recovery n hup supplies bulk of its steel products to them. plus redev of its land bank would be a sooner or later sort of thing.
here we go again 500 lot Sh**.. Its a nv ending story that keeps on going n going.
when the discussion on this thread started in, I was wondering why so many good news and pushing of this "value" stock?

the answer is clearer as the day goes buy... I mean goes by....
(14-01-2013, 03:45 PM)chialc Wrote: when the discussion on this thread started in, I was wondering why so many good news and pushing of this "value" stock?

the answer is clearer as the day goes buy... I mean goes by....

hi there,

just like to clarify, if u follow the thread closely, there's actually NO good news so far.

we are just discussing on the potential of this stock.

good news for hupsteel would be either :
>> healthy eps and/or news of land redevelopment.

and really, we hear none of the above thus far.

This company don hanky panky one. They got big contract also no annouce one.. if they r going to develop the property, i think have to wait until the quater result then they will do so..

Almost no debt, high NAV, profitable for decades. But recently profit dropping. Management is conservative tats y low debt. High cash.

So wat story will push it up? Property redevelopment. Finding new market to sell products. Tentatively Iskandar region will be a gd move.. Since they also sell structural steel. But wats the chance.. Wat can u do, believe the mgt will do the right move lo.

I believe it shld be funds selling to shift the funds to other counters. Becasue simply not moving.
thanks kuku for ur input. my sentiments similar.

so unless we hear announcements to sgx regarding eps/dev, all this is pure discussion. pls do ur own research. its ur own money afterall.

sorry if anyone bought hup n regret it now by just following my discussion points.
(14-01-2013, 04:47 PM)paullow Wrote: sorry if anyone bought hup n regret it now by just following my discussion points.
I am vested in this few days back. I only regret the 500 blocks seller didnt push the stock below 0.19. I am keeping my fingers cross it will, when it announce its 2Q results.

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