Cordlife Group

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long the ASX share and short the one in sgx?
any idea for the surge in price?
*For the full article, please visit the website.

The Straits Times
Published on Aug 25, 2012
Cordlife's full-year profit dives 18%

By esther teo

ADDITIONAL clients and new services helped push up revenue and profits at the cord blood banking firm Cordlife in the fourth quarter but full-year numbers were more muted.

Net profit inched up 0.9 per cent to $2.3 million while sales improved 6.5 per cent to $7.5 million in the three months to June30, the firm said yesterday.

However, net profit plunged 18 per cent to $6.9 million for the 12 months while revenue was up 12 per cent to $28.8 million.

The earnings decline was mainly due to the one-off initial public offering (IPO) expense of $1.9 million and higher capital expenditure to drive business growth, Cordlife said.

Mr Jeremy Yee, its executive director and chief executive, said the firm has continued to invest in marketing, promotional activities and human resources as it steps up its client acquisition plans.

"Our business model remains robust, generating a stable, recurring income with a growing subscriber base, as well as strong margins," he added.

Despite headwinds in the economy with uncertainty in Europe and slowing growth in China, the group remains optimistic about its key markets, Singapore and Hong Kong.

"With our recent proposed transactions with China Cord Blood Corporation...we are poised to expand our geographical reach beyond the Guangdong province and capitalise on the growing affluence of the world's most populous nation," Mr Yee added.

Its new and larger headquarters in Yishun will also be ready by the first quarter of next year.

"This will enable us to increase our current capacity to exploit economies of scale, reduce the uncertainty of future costs and further entrench our leadership position in Singapore," Mr Yee said.
My Value Investing Blog:
this news doesn't bode well for cordlife

Wednesday, Dec 12, 2012

NEW YORK - US doctors say they have saved a seven-year-old girl who was close to dying from leukemia by pioneering the use of an unlikely ally: a modified form of the HIV virus.

After fighting her disease with chemotherapy for almost two years and suffering two relapses, the young girl "faced grim prospects," doctors at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia said.

So in February this year they agreed to take her on in an experimental programme that fought fire with fire.

Helped by a genetically altered HIV virus - stripped of its devastating properties that cause AIDS - doctors turned the girl's own immune cells into a superior force able to rout the "aggressive" leukemia.

Emily Whitehead was the first child and is one of only a handful of people in total to be given what's officially known as CTL019 therapy. The hospital stressed this could not yet be called "a magic bullet."

However in her case at least the success was dramatic.

First, millions of the girl's natural immune system cells were removed. Then the modified HIV virus was used to carry in a new gene that would boost the immune cells and help them spot, then attack cancer cells that had previously been able to sneak in "under the radar," the hospital said on its website.

Finally the rebooted immune cells were sent back in to do their work.

"The researchers have created a guided missile that locks in on and kills B cells, thereby attacking B-cell leukemia," the hospital said.

Pediatric oncologist Stephan Grupp, who cared for the girl, explained Tuesday that there was never any danger of AIDS during the process.

"The way we get the new gene into the T cells (immune cells) is by using a virus. This virus was developed from the HIV virus, however all of the parts of the HIV virus that can cause disease are removed," he said in an email.

"It is impossible to catch HIV or any other infection. What's left is the property of the HIV virus that allows it to put new genes into cells."

During the treatment, Emily became very ill and went into the intensive care unit, underlining how risky the procedure can be. However, drugs that partly block the immune reaction were administered, without interfering with the anti-leukemia action, and she recovered, the hospital said.

The result was "complete" and best of all, the doctors say, the boosted immune shield continues "to remain in the patient's body to protect against a recurrence of the cancer."

"She has no leukemia in her body for any test that we can do -- even the most sensitive tests," Grupp told ABC television.

"We need to see that the remission goes on for a couple of years before we think about whether she is cured or not. It is too soon to say."

Emily's parents Kari and Tom told the hospital that the success of the operation has changed their world. Instead of chemotherapy that made the girl lose all her hair, she is now back in school, walking her dog Lucy and playing football.

"T cell therapy was really the only option left for Emily," Tom said.

Grupp said on the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia website that cell therapies might eventually replace the more costly, painful bone marrow transplant treatment, a standard last-ditch defence against cancer.

"I've been meeting with families to discuss bone marrow transplant for 20 years," he said.

"In almost every meeting, I say that bone marrow transplant is very hard and that if we had an alternative for children at that point in treatment, I would be delighted to put myself out of business. And for the first time, we're seeing how that might actually happen."
interesting news! perhaps in 10 years time, even the deadly cancer can be cured, haha then insurance premiums will drop further
Anyone who had read its prospectus would have known this company is selling nothing more than hope.

"Risk Factors (Pg 43 of Prospectus)
... ...
- Cord blood transplants may be riskier than other available treatments. Stem cells in cord blood are more primitive than those in bone marrow or peripheral blood. For this reason, the engraftment process takes longer with cord blood, leaving the patient vulnerable to a fatal infection for a longer period of time. Further, a patient’s own stem cells either “often may” or “usually would” not be the safest or most effective source of stem cells for medical treatment, particularly in genetic disorders where the cells are very unlikely to be of any medical use at all, potentially making it preferable to use the cord blood units donated by healthy individuals instead of the cord blood units collected upon the patient’s birth.

- Due to the fact that cord blood therapy is a fairly new medical procedure with limited empirical data regarding its application, the long-term viability of cryogenically frozen cord blood has yet to be firmly established.

- A typical cord blood harvest only contains enough stem cells to treat a large child or small adult (weighing approximately 50 kilogrammes). Although large-sized adults have had successful cord blood transplants in clinical trials, either by growing the cells in a laboratory prior to transplant or by transplanting more than one cord blood unit at a time, such technology has not yet matured to be applied in general medical practice for commercial use.
... ..."

a very interesting chain of relationship done by and investor central

Cordlife partners with Golden Meditech to expand product presence in China
 Proposed strategic alliance with Golden Meditech, a leading integrated healthcare enterprise in China
 Further capitalise on fast-rising Chinese middle class, whose population is estimated to grow from 290 million in 2011 to a projected 590 million by 2025
 In line with Cordlife’s growth plans to improve economies of scope via offering of complementary products and services that cater to the mother and child segment, through partnerships and collaborations

(Not vested)
As a customer of cord blood banking, I think it is better to use a company who is not expanding too fast. High growth also means high chance of business failure.
"... but quitting while you're ahead is not the same as quitting." - Quote from the movie American Gangster
Cordlife Group: Between Healthcare And Insurance

“知己知彼,百战百胜”, is a quote adapted from chapter three of Sun Tzu’s art of war. Translated to English Language, this means that by knowing yourself and your enemy, one will remain undefeated in a hundred battles.

Don’t fret, we are not going to war.

This quote fits like a glove in the context of government spending. By studying the segregation of government spending, one can literally get ahead of the pack by narrowing down a sea of investment opportunities and focusing on areas which the government intends to direct growth.

Unveiled earlier this year in February, Singapore’s National Budget in 2014 has denoted increased government spending prominently in three areas, namely healthcare, defence and manpower.

The limelight is shone on healthcare expenditure as it registered a whopping 18.7 percent increase to $6 billion from $5.1 billion in 2013, which is by far one of the areas where government expenditure has been pushed up most.

Apart from gearing up for an ageing population, Singapore is also regarded as Asia’s leading medical hub. With that reason, it comes with no surprise that more investments into the country’s infrastructure are required to upkeep its title.

Smart money would inevitably flow into the healthcare industry. However, this does not mean that an investor should “show hand” and pour money into just any healthcare company he or she can find. Prudence needs to be exercised, ultimately this is an investment after all.

While navigating through healthcare companies through the stock screener, I have managed to land my dart on one which has garnered my interest.

Unlike traditional hospitals with a business model centred on treating patients, Cordlife Group has established a unique business in cord blood banking, in other words, storing a baby’s blood that remains in the umbilical cord.

The basis of storing cord blood lies in the presence of stem cells within the extracted cord blood. Possessing regenerative properties, these stem cells are proven to be extremely useful for doctors to treat patients suffering from a range of complicated diseases such as leukaemia, inherited diseases and even certain types of cancer.

Further, what stands out from the company’s business model is the high barriers of entry due to strict regulations imposed by regulators before a cord blood storage license can be issued. Coupled with a strong brand name in the field built upon a long standing track record and service offerings that are highly differentiated and certified with several stringent international accreditations, positive long-term performance can be expected from the company while moving forward.

Investment Merits
Only has one other competitor in Singapore with Cordlife emerging as the stronger party. Second largest in Hong Kong as well as owning a 10 percent equity stake in the largest cord blood banking player in China.
Consistent revenue stream that is levied annually matched with a balance sheet that is as good as debt-free
Strong free cash flow position accompanied with a relatively low capital expenditure structure

Investment Risks
More awareness needs to be created for the public on cord blood banking and its benefits
Still requires more research effort for other illnesses to be treated
Future expansion into the more affluent Western countries can pose a challenge due to stiffer competitions.

SI Research Takeaway

Despite being young, cord blood banking has yielded numerous benefits to the healthcare industry, especially in treating diseases. Growth in this area is more likely to see higher growth as more people recognise its benefits.

Like what my financial adviser has told me before, “Just make sure you have a valid insurance policy to claim against in the event of a mishap.”

I would nod and say something similar to myself for cord blood banking, “Just make sure I have it stored somewhere securely should I ever need it.”

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