(10-07-2013, 04:53 PM)KopiKat Wrote: (10-07-2013, 02:05 PM)Drizzt Wrote: one of the reasons why i am not invested was because of the apprehension being in similar industry. no one actuallly gave a run down why the business year after year could be so stable. is it because its a relationship business where if your sales channel are on good terms with the telcos and key customers they dont generally tend to change?
Since you're in a similar industry, wouldn't you be the best person to answer that question?? 
My guess is,
1. Recurrent Biz. From 'GreedandFear' AGM summary,
Quote:Very focused on creating more stable recurrent revenue (currently around 45%) as opposed to opportunistically chasing contracts.
2. Different Product segments, Telecom & InfoCom. Perhaps different biz cycles helps to average out. Revenue for Telecom dominates till FY09 but InfoCom accounts for >50% of Revenue & Profits from FY10 till now.
3. Geographical Spread
For FY12, Singapore accounts for ~40% of Revenue. I counted 6 other countries which accounts for >5% of Revenue contribution each. The Revenues swings for these different countries does appear to help to average out each other over the years.
I think i am refering more to the nature of products sold and how a systems integrator or a vendor is able to form a recurring revenue stream. I would say i wasn't able to visualize it and Neratel's IR does not reply to my questions.
Here are some thoughts how their products can be recurring:
Product Lifecycle. Business equipments are perishable due to End of Life and End of Support. Even though the equipments are working, without support it presents a business risk. Customer would likely not take such a risk.
Licensing. More applicable for vendor of the solution. Basically the right to use the product for an x duration. Possibly more lucrative if you come up with the solution. Less so for the system integrator.
Maintenance. Provide maintenance, which are usually embedded within the original contract:
Service Helpdesk
Preventive Maintenance with varied availability time
Corrective Maintenance with varied turn around time
Software Change / Modification
Equipment replacements are usually staggered. Because things are not replaced all at once, it becomes like REIT rentals where equipments gets replaced batched by batch
The value of the deal will depend on who holds the higher intellectual property and who does most of the knowledge work.
Because of the value and the need to address fraud and corruption, There is usually not an exclusive working relationship.
System Integrators who end up being a preferred partner, and are able to maintain a good relationship due to their ability to deliver, competency and price competitive will have a limited moat to ride the coat tails of sturdy customers.