Just teens, but living the high life

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1. There is nothing wrong been rich.
2. Its what you do with the riches that count.
3. Material products are just that material and products.
4. The rich could help save lives and improve lives of many using the riches they have.
5. No one is saying that you should spent all your money on improving other people's lives.
6. Enjoy the riches you have , but do think, Is there is a need for you to have a 20 room 10 million house just because you can afford it. Would a 1 million 10 room suffice? Can the 9 million be used to help improve other lives dying of poverty , no drinking water, food etc... how many lives could you have saved?

If you are one of the lucky ones in live, maybe you should thank your lucky stars and help people who are not so lucky in life?

Maybe 10% of your riches can go to helping saving lives? or maybe you can afford to not own that 5000 dollar bag , 1500 bag would do? maybe the rest can go to help a kid in Singapore afford fees for university?


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