Why Gold is the Standard for Currency?
Perhaps you know that gold is the standard for currency, but you really have no idea what that means. You’re not alone. Not all of us are financial gurus. Gold has been used as a form of money for thousands of years. In fact, it is among the oldest forms of money in the world. The gold standard is a money system where the money that is being circulated, like a paper bill or bank note, have a value that is directly linked to gold that is stored away somewhere. The currency in circulation in this type of system is fixed to the price of the gold that is in storage. This allows for a currency exchange that is predictable. The other type of money system is called a fiat currency system. In the fiat system, central banks can increase or decrease the supply of money without having the gold in their coffers to back it up. The U.S. operates currently on the fiat system, but it wasn’t always that way.
Gold Standard System History
When you hear the term ‘gold standard’, you are likely hearing about the International Gold Standard. This was established in the late 1800s after a silver crisis in England which ended with the U.S. suspending all silver payments. In 1871, the first gold standard was established by Germany, and within three decades, nearly all countries with big economies had established similar systems.
With the onset of the First World War, the gold standard reached an initial crisis. Britain had moved from a gold standard to a fiat standard, due to the huge cost that was involved in fighting the war. With the Treaty of Versailles, which set conditions for Germany’s surrender, Germany was forced to turn over (as reparations), the bulk of its gold supply to the winning countries. This left Germany without enough gold to maintain the gold standard, thus giving them no other option than to switch to a fiat currency system.
Abandonment of the Gold Standard
The U.S. and most other major economies abandoned the gold standard by the mid Twenties. The official demise of the gold standard came in 1933 when those nations using the gold standard failed to come to an agreement on the value of gold. Following WWII, the Bretton Woods Agreement would govern the value of currency, until 1972, when the free floating currency era began. Gold lost its status as the basis for reserve accounting for central banks.
Problems with the Gold Standard
The gold standard, initially, allowed for the expansion of trade around the world, but it was problematic. Gold supplies grew much more slowly than the global economy, which made the gold standard highly deflationary. For example, in the U.S., periods of deflation that lasted for as long as fourteen years were seen when the economy switched to the gold standard. It is also possible, with the gold standard, for local distortions of value to be realized. Such was the case when the Irish found it more profitable to export potatoes to England rather selling them domestically, which led to what became known as the Great Potato Famine.
Lastly, it is important to note that the gold standard does not allow the government to print money out without having gold to back it up. This can leave the public prone to recessions and depressions. The current fiat system is based on trust, but that allows it to combat depressions as well as unemployment. The gold standard did not allow for that.
How to value GOLD with fiat currencies now since there is no more "GOLD STANDARD"?
Why in a way people still treasure GOLD more than fiat currencies?
Especially in some countries, when their currencies are not "internationalised".
If fiat money system fails what's next?
No! Surely not "GOLD STANDARD" again.
The world has globalised and it's economy has expended so many times; when we didn't have enough gold to back up the much smaller economy in the past how can we have enough gold now?
Nevertheless, in time of calamity, war, disaster,...etc... Gold is usually more valuable or effective to get you out of troubles.
So keep some "lose change of gold".
You will never know, you may need to use it in your life time.
But, hopefully don't need to - just like "life insurance".