Are you better off investing in gold?

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This question is about investing in gold compared to the Bursa companies involved in gold.

To answer this question, I compared the gain from the various investments based on the short-term situation ie 2019 to 2022.

From 4 Jan 2019 to 26 Aug 2022, gold appreciated by 8.5 %. If you have invested in the Bursa gold companies, your compounded annual gains are shown in the Table below. The gains comprises both capital gains as well as dividends.

You can see that only Bahvest did not achieved a better compounded annual total return than that for gold. I would consider those from Poh Kong and Tome to be more representative.

[Image: Table-4.png]

On such a basis there is no advantage to investing in gold.

For more insights on Bursa gold proxies, refer to “Are there Bursa proxies for gold?”

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