Feeling the pulse of the post-75 generation

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Quote:Vikram Nair of Sembawang GRC..

Hahaha. You got balls. Period.
(06-05-2011, 10:21 PM)Gosling Wrote:
Quote:Just the other day, I screwed the PAP candidate who came door to door visiting ...

Haha. I really want to see you in action. So many people are frightened even to vote against them despite voting is secret.

Strange, what I observed and experienced in the office is the opposite: People are afraid to openly support the PAP ! There is so much peer pressure to condemn gahmen that sometimes I feel that there is a popularity contest going on to see who is the fiercest critic of the PAP. Anybody who defends or supports the PAP is likely to labelled a lackey. This seems to be the case also in cyberspace.
Quote:Strange, what I observed and experienced in the office is the opposite: People are afraid to openly support the PAP ! There is so much peer pressure to condemn gahmen that sometimes I feel that there is a popularity contest going on to see who is the fiercest critic of the PAP. Anybody who defends or supports the PAP is likely to labelled a lackey. This seems to be the case also in cyberspace.

Nothing strange. People will just put on a show to be with the majority to avoid becoming unpopular. Then, in secret, they will vote in the opposite direction for selfish reasons which we are all aware of (are you readers gonna do the same tomorrow?). I am sure PAP will win by a landslide tomorrow. The worries are that opposition will lose all seats.
(07-05-2011, 12:09 AM)Gosling Wrote:
Quote:Strange, what I observed and experienced in the office is the opposite: People are afraid to openly support the PAP ! There is so much peer pressure to condemn gahmen that sometimes I feel that there is a popularity contest going on to see who is the fiercest critic of the PAP. Anybody who defends or supports the PAP is likely to labelled a lackey. This seems to be the case also in cyberspace.

Nothing strange. People will just put on a show to be with the majority to avoid becoming unpopular. Then, in secret, they will vote in the opposite direction for selfish reasons which we are all aware of (are you readers gonna do the same tomorrow?). I am sure PAP will win by a landslide tomorrow. The worries are that opposition will lose all seats.

I sure hope not...

if PAP dominates.. I can't imagine what it will be like for the next 5 yrs..
My Wish List for PAP Government :

1) MP spend more time with the constituent on the Ground. Not just at meet the people session. It may mean MP should spend less time at the primary profession. Let people know you care and not appear only once in 5 years.
It is not all brains that matter. Your compassion and sincerity is more important.

2) Have more SMCs and reduce the GRC size and the number of GRCs Opposition MPs are not bad , they will become better with each passing elections. Whatever , the good intent , people believe the GRC system this is to prevent Opposition from coming into the parliament.

3) Please don't threaten us with HDB upgradings and poor estate maintenance.

4) Please give more to the elderly without work , including those living in pte home. Many of them have never worked all their lives and have very little in their CPF. The home they lived in was left by their departed spouse. So , when there is a Growth Dividends , don't do the simple maths of the type of house they live in. Factor their age , their CPF accounts and the flow of CPF into their accounts for the last 5 years. You would be surprised why elderly are not happy with the PAP in pte estate.

5) We don't our nation to be a Global State. We are a city but we are a country as well. Cost of living is high , that is why , we are not having many babies. But , the rate and the number of foreigners are coming in , Singaporean borned here will soon be in minority. 3 million Singaporeans with at about 1.26 babies per couple , we want 6.5 Million living here. The other 3.5 million has to be foreigners , right ?

6) I think Top Civil Servant and Ministers salaries are way too high. I support high salaries , but how about pegging the salaries to the Top 50 of High Salaried profession instead of the Top 20 ( ? ) of the top professions. No matter what , government service should not be a few million dollars per year job. I am OK if it is in the 1 to 2 Million dollar range.

7 How about giving more to those in need. We are a fairly wealthy nation , instead of giving S$11 per day to those family that are in welfare , how about S$15 per day or S$18 per day. I know we can well afford it.

And instead of S$1 for S$1 matching for charity organisations , how about S$2 for S$1 matching or S$3 for S$1 matching for charity organisations. I think we had been too tight fisted in supporting charitable organisations. Free the staffs in such organisations to do more work for society rather than tie them down to fund-raising. Be kinder to those in need. We are not asking for a Welfare State , just be more gracious to those who need helps.

Another 2 cents - hmm , suppose to be cooling off period.

Pls allow me to continue...
8) I feel that 2 yrs of national service is too long even though i serve 2.5 yrs.
Pls take away the reservist cum ippt too.

9)Pls reduce GST or scrape it totally. Get the balance from casino tax, increase e levy or reduce e salary of every minister.

10) sack MBT (personnel fav)...

The thing about karma, It always comes around and bite you when you least expected.

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