This family bet it all on bitcoin

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(18-10-2017, 02:13 PM)cyclone Wrote: This family bet it all on bitcoin

By MacKenzie Sigalos
Published October 18, 2017

Didi Taihuttu, his wife, three kids and their cat bet all they have on bitcoin. The Dutch family of five is in the process of selling pretty much everything they own — from their 2,500-square-foot house, to their shoes – and trading it in for the popular cryptocurrency. They have moved to a campsite in the Netherlands, where they're waiting for bitcoin to really take off.

It's only been a few months, but the 39-year-old father of three says he doesn't regret a thing. "We were just like – sell it, sell it, what can we lose? Yeah, we can lose all the material stuff. Yeah, we can lose all our money. Yeah, we don't have three cars anymore. We don't have the motorcycle anymore. But in the end, I think we, as a family, will still be happy and just enjoying life."

He once mined for bitcoin, but now only trades it, along with other cryptocurrencies like ether, ripple, neo, dogecoin and XLM. The family is still in the process of liquidating assets and investing the proceeds in cryptocurrencies as they go. The income from trading is enough for food and necessities, which the family says is all it needs right now.

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The equivalent of showhand in the casino.

At the bare min, regardless of how it goes, he'd have one helluva story for his grandkids.
We just don't know if it'd be a bedtime story or a horror story yet.

Messages In This Thread
This family bet it all on bitcoin - by cyclone - 18-10-2017, 02:13 PM
RE: This family bet it all on bitcoin - by TTTI - 18-10-2017, 04:31 PM

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