Middle Age Crisis - do I have a plan ?

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(04-04-2016, 01:32 PM)sgd Wrote: of course there's politics at the office, everybody is covert to be the top man or woman but office politics usually produces nothing.

From what I seen no amount of office politics can cause somebody to fall usually what causes someone to fall is by their own doing

That's what happen to my ex-boss, already risen to very high position had a good comfortable life but just wanted more, took a big gamble on his own to try score point but turn out to be a bust and fell like a rock.

in so many years all the ugly politics couldn't get rid of him and in the end he did it to himself.

Not sure what he did. Unless your ex-boss is doing something unethical and low .... , this maybe just career aspirations which is not really politics.

Just my Diary


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RE: Middle Age Crisis - do I have a plan ? - by corydorus - 04-04-2016, 02:57 PM

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