^^ Spec
I cannot foresee the results of even my most trivial act;
I do not know the working of all the forces that have be set moving in my behalf.
Much may be depending on my doing some simple act;
it may be the very thing which is to open the door to great possibilities.
This is what I did:
As long as I can remember, every time when I received a plea for donation, I'll just send back the donation form with some amount of $$$.
I feel rich I donate more and when I feel poor I donated less.
Each and everytime until I read about those bad people who mis-used donation $$$.
Then, I thought that a simple way to prevent mis-use of my donation is to do DD on the organisation and donate lump sum instead of many many small amount.
I am not happy.
After a while, I realised that I am not donating at all.
The lump sum remains in my bank.
Then, I thought that if I do small small donation and even if only a portion of it reached someone who need the $$$ then it already make sense to me.
So, you can guess what I had been doing...
We need love, without love we will die.

Love Compassion