IPCO International

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Highly speculative counter to be sure but also has some undervalued elements.

Builds piers and terminals but in recent times have also build things like utilities, oil/gas infrastructure like offshore platforms. A look at their website shows a list of projects that they completed all over the world. They won 30 year rights to supply gas to homes, offices and industries to several cities in Hubei province in China.

Other Interesting titbits is that they have shares in some companies like blumont and innopac. By estimation and reckoning close to 200mil shares in innopac, around 140mil shares in blumont.

blumont has some iron ore mining interest and innopac recently taken over ASX listed diamond mining company. Blumont also vested in innopac so this cross holding very interesting. Both blumont and innopac share prices have gone parabolic in recent times

It doesn't stop here, there seems to be like many prominent investors turning up at ipco lately and some have further increased their stakes. Recently a lot of shares have been placed out to 3 individuals, 1 related to financial institution, 1 is from a hedge fund, the last is to a very prominent ex-unmo politician Mohd Zaid Ibrahim.

If you google about Zaid you will see that he is lawyer, ex-umno law minister, opposition MP for a while he is also a member of International Islam Financial Market (that was formed in Dubai) click on the membership on the IIFM website shows a list of bankers financial authorities, oil companies the who's who of the islamic world etc .. so Zaid is well connected in the oil/gas industry. He also owns a law firm company zicolaw which has many offices around SEA. He recently announce he's given up politics to do business when he took a 7-8% stake in ipco

Currently ipco is trading under 3 cents. Q3 profit 15million (probably due to revalued stakes in blumont and innopac).

Curr Assets over all liabilities is 2.55 times
Total Assets over all liabilities is 5.4 times
Net Tangible is 6.6 cents by reckoning.

There's even a video link about ipco from investor central

vested - of course Tongue

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fyi, all these stocks are linked - Asiasons, IPCO, Innopac and Blumont.

From the price pattern, the operator appeared to have kept rolling the stock (like the good old M'sia bubble days before Asia Financial Crisis) - afterall the M'sia guys are all behind it.

Blumont and Innopac have interests in Australian junior miners - bubble already burst long time ago on ASX. They seem to think that they can keep going and hopingto rope in innocent investors by sustaining the hype in such busted concepts.

Good luck for all those that will keep faith in these bunch of cr..k.

Odd Lots

(30-05-2013, 11:15 AM)sgd Wrote: Highly speculative counter to be sure but also has some undervalued elements.

Builds piers and terminals but in recent times have also build things like utilities, oil/gas infrastructure like offshore platforms. A look at their website shows a list of projects that they completed all over the world. They won 30 year rights to supply gas to homes, offices and industries to several cities in Hubei province in China.

Other Interesting titbits is that they have shares in some companies like blumont and innopac. By estimation and reckoning close to 200mil shares in innopac, around 140mil shares in blumont.

blumont has some iron ore mining interest and innopac recently taken over ASX listed diamond mining company. Blumont also vested in innopac so this cross holding very interesting. Both blumont and innopac share prices have gone parabolic in recent times

It doesn't stop here, there seems to be like many prominent investors turning up at ipco lately and some have further increased their stakes. Recently a lot of shares have been placed out to 3 individuals, 1 related to financial institution, 1 is from a hedge fund, the last is to a very prominent ex-unmo politician Mohd Zaid Ibrahim.

If you google about Zaid you will see that he is lawyer, ex-umno law minister, opposition MP for a while he is also a member of International Islam Financial Market (that was formed in Dubai) click on the membership on the IIFM website shows a list of bankers financial authorities, oil companies the who's who of the islamic world etc .. so Zaid is well connected in the oil/gas industry. He also owns a law firm company zicolaw which has many offices around SEA. He recently announce he's given up politics to do business when he took a 7-8% stake in ipco

Currently ipco is trading under 3 cents. Q3 profit 15million (probably due to revalued stakes in blumont and innopac).

Curr Assets over all liabilities is 2.55 times
Total Assets over all liabilities is 5.4 times
Net Tangible is 6.6 cents by reckoning.

There's even a video link about ipco from investor central

vested - of course Tongue

comments comments
(30-05-2013, 11:05 PM)greengiraffe Wrote: fyi, all these stocks are linked - Asiasons, IPCO, Innopac and Blumont.

From the price pattern, the operator appeared to have kept rolling the stock (like the good old M'sia bubble days before Asia Financial Crisis) - afterall the M'sia guys are all behind it.

Blumont and Innopac have interests in Australian junior miners - bubble already burst long time ago on ASX. They seem to think that they can keep going and hopingto rope in innocent investors by sustaining the hype in such busted concepts.

Good luck for all those that will keep faith in these bunch of cr..k.

Odd Lots

What's the incentive in doing so? Placement after placement and acquisition after acquisition? Some group of people? Moving money around? Does that make it cleaner? What can SGX do? Who's the mastermind?

#scratching my head
Alongside with Inno Pac, Blumont- this dog of a investment holding co is another potential disaster waiting to happen...

Caveat Emptor
Btw if Blumont is $1.09 means IPCO's is sitting pretty now with their stake of 140mil shares worth a cool $150 mil. I might add which they bought at ludicrously low price of 1.5cts a share in 2011.

if divide by ipco 5billion shares thats over 3 cts a share in contribution

*sigh* .. maybe it's all a big mistake who knows *fingers crossed*. Other big time investors have staked millions and millions it in they must know something that we don't. I also scratching head.

And besides it's undervalued now trades at under 2.8cts where Net Asset is 6.6 cts at more than 50% discount and has more assets than liabilities so I guess with a good margin of safety the risk to me is more than justified.

Maybe I'll become the big clown in VB who knows kekeke ...

I'm a speculator, please don't follow me! Big Grin
heehee if investing is about buying a stock that's selling well below NAV, then the world would be filled with many millionaires... lol
(11-06-2013, 11:23 PM)safetyfirst Wrote: heehee if investing is about buying a stock that's selling well below NAV, then the world would be filled with many millionaires... lol

The world has many paper millionaires Big Grin

I have sold the farm and bought this, I don't think it will collapse as I see it's already undervalue and trading at discount.

At most I get away with a small loss and risk looking like a fool. Tongue
Ipco, used to be another darling of days gone by.
Look at what the NAV consists of, if it's NAV 6.6cts with 5cts cash component,
please buy all you can. But it's not.
It is standard practise for energy/utility providers to count chickens before they hatch and have high NAVs.
(Intangible asset/goodwill, they think it's there so they put a value to it.) .
the world is filled with many people who claim to do well with pennies...

what they fail to tell us is that for every 10 pennies they invest in, 1 does exceptionally well, 3 loses money and 6 breaks even. For all the time and effort and capital, they end up making little or no profits, yet they will only tell you how shrewd they have been and their friends and relatives listen in awe.

i would just like to congratulate these people for enriching their brokers Smile
Edward Lee is a specialist in penny stocks, MDR , IPCO....

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