[Image: hupsteel-chart.jpg]
Mkt. Cap.: 92.517m
Total Liabilities + NCI :7,377
Cash: 44,279
Mkt Price: 0.15
P/B: 0.5
P/E: nil (negative earning for FY 15)
P/E(FY14): 34
Div Yield(FY15): 0.66%(first time div got cut)
Payout: nil negative earning for FY 15)
Adj NAV: 0.230 [MOS: 53%]
Debt to Equity: 0.002
EV/PBIT(FY15): Negative Earning (earning fluctuates quite a lot unable hence won’t be fair to use previous earning)
EV/PBIT(FY14): 17.82!
NCAV: 0.174 [mkt price trading at 13.91% below NCAV]
Graham’s NetNet(actual formula): 0.127 [mkt price trading at 18.01% ABOVE NCAV]
Another stock trading below NCAV.
I just wrote a post about it over here:
There is cash burn rate for this company. But its huge hard assets make it as an attractive little monster to my portfolio.
I like that it is trading below its NCAV, theoretically even if the stock goes bust you still make money. And never forget that this does not include the freebie you got by owning the entire business[>90% consist of leasehold in PPE and Investment property]. And the best part is maybe that F/V of investment property is really $83M!
This stock has been in my watch list since April I think, I was reluctant to invest because of its really high P/E in other words, paying a lot for its earning not because the price is high but because the earnings is damn low. And the recent $0.05 drops gives me this opportunity to enter.