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  Flash floods strike Singapore
Posted by: pianist - 06-09-2013, 09:54 PM - Forum: Others - Replies (3)

seems like west part of the island is prone to flood

from yahoo:
Flash floods strike Singapore on Thursday morning, hitting several parts in the west of the city-state and disrupting traffic. Places affected include Commonwealth, Queenstown and Clementi. Rising water levels also led to the closure of Ayer Rajah Expressway between Clementi and parts of East Coast Parkway at 8:48am. The affected stretches opened to traffic about an hour later.

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  Betting the farm - Lim Hong Zhuang
Posted by: pianist - 04-09-2013, 10:56 PM - Forum: Others - Replies (8)

Friday, Aug 23, 2013

The Straits Times

Floods, thugs, wild boars - Singaporean Lim Hong Zhuang has braved them all. On a long drive to Johor, he tells Susan Long why he spurned finance jobs and sank his life savings into becoming a farmer and how he hopes to narrow the rural-urban gap.

AS WE drive past a green tapestry of plantations and farms 1½ hours away from Singapore in Johor, Mr Lim Hong Zhuang suddenly gestures to his right. "Look, this belonged to a Singapore guy who lost RM5 million in two years."

Welcome to the high stakes world of cash crop farming. It is volatile, subject to the vagaries of weather, sunny at times, stormy the next, and plagued by pestilence.
The risks are heightened by the short shelf life of fresh produce and highly variable prices according to the whims of middlemen, market supply and demand.
Into this mix entered Mr Lim, who is out to prove that farming can make big bucks - and improve lives of those in the community too. He was then 23, a third-year Singapore Management University (SMU) student.
He learnt how to speak Malay, clear trees, plough land, raise beds, and prepare seeds for planting. Most of the surrounding Malaysian farmers - decades older than him - gave him a year tops.
He lasted five and counting, living in a zinc-roofed hut with no piped water and no toilet. In that time, he weathered rampaging wild boars and fierce floods that destroyed his crops and parang-wielding squatters who refused to be evicted.
He has been left in the lurch by at least six friends and relatives. They consecutively wanted in because of the high returns on paper, but opted out when confronted with the hardships and pressure by parents and girlfriends to find a stable job.
At his lowest point, he was not above begging other farmers to teach him the tricks of the trade. One pitied him and agreed. <p>It is awkward during Chinese New Year with relatives asking why he is pushing 30 and not yet making money. He is raring to make his mother, in her 60s and who still works 12 hours a day at her salon, proud.
Across the road, he points out another vegetable farm, raking in millions a year, which has its own three-storey collection point for produce and whose owner lives in a towering villa.

Welcome to the high stakes world of cash crop farming. It is volatile, subject to the vagaries of weather, sunny at times, stormy the next, and plagued by pestilence.

The risks are heightened by the short shelf life of fresh produce and highly variable prices according to the whims of middlemen, market supply and demand.

Into this mix entered Mr Lim, who is out to prove that farming can make big bucks - and improve lives of those in the community too. He was then 23, a third-year Singapore Management University (SMU) student.

At the height of the 2007 commodities inflation, he and a friend started driving to Malaysia to scout for land.

In January 2008, he leased his first plot - the size of 30 football fields - in Kuala Pilah, four hours from Singapore. He pumped in $80,000 of savings and planted scores of Jatropha trees, which produce oil-bearing seeds, hoping to cash in on biofuels.

Fuel prices peaked in June 2008, then tanked with the global financial crisis. Within six months of juggling schoolwork and travelling to Malaysia on weekends, his biofuel dream crashed. Both his partners - a businessman with some agricultural know-how and his friend - bailed out.

Not ready to give up, he started farming vegetables at the end of 2008, hoping to generate cash flow before his capital dried up.

He learnt how to speak Malay, clear trees, plough land, raise beds, and prepare seeds for planting. Most of the surrounding Malaysian farmers - decades older than him - gave him a year tops.

He lasted five and counting, living in a zinc-roofed hut with no piped water and no toilet. In that time, he weathered rampaging wild boars and fierce floods that destroyed his crops and parang-wielding squatters who refused to be evicted.

"I fell flat on my face many times, but I got up and moved on," he says, estimating he has lost RM1 million (S$388,000) of investors' and his own money, thanks to pestilence and inexperience.

Now 29, weather-beaten with ruddy cheeks and calloused hands, he can jumpstart a sputtering truck, repair irrigation pipes and diagnose diseased plants.

He has been left in the lurch by at least six friends and relatives. They consecutively wanted in because of the high returns on paper, but opted out when confronted with the hardships and pressure by parents and girlfriends to find a stable job.

From time to time, his workers - he now has 33 Indonesians, whom he personally recruited, by travelling to Jakarta's outlying villages - bolted too. But he says he clung on to his "bigger vision".

His old schoolmate Alicia Ng, 29, who works in a global asset management firm, says that farming is not just a business but a social mission for him.

"He always felt there were many positive externalities to farming, whether it's creating employment or driving local economies of the rural villages," she relates.

Five years on, he is more convinced than ever that farming builds solid foundations for developing cities and economies. It fills stomachs and provides jobs for rural folk, helping to ease the urban sprawl into cities, which he feels is unsustainable.

After his last partner left, he sank another RM1 million from his earnings and loans from family to lease another farm, one hour from Singapore.

He spurned all advice to find a paying job, convinced of the difference farming can make to the surrounding communities. "If I do make it, the difference I can make is so much larger than if I make it as a bank senior vice-president," is his calculus.

Today, he defines the mission of his company, Goldfields Farming, as growing and delivering safe, healthy fresh produce direct from its farms to consumers in cities, with profits ploughed back to production regions to "secure the lives of those employed in the fields".

Hitting the wall

AFTER a long "accumulation of failures", things started looking up this year. Mr Lim says wryly: "You keep hitting the wall till you're almost dead. Then, one more hit, and the wall finally breaks."

He adds that he has probably finished paying his dues to learn about managing all the variables, from crops, to diseases, to pests, to workers. Along the way, he brushed up on his Mandarin to read the latest Taiwanese farming research. He studied Israeli irrigation methods. He explored vertical farming, automated irrigation and agricultural robotics. He even invested in a high-speed organic compost processing machine.

In his desperation, he broke into other farms to spy how they did it. At his lowest point, he was not above begging other farmers to teach him the tricks of the trade. One pitied him and agreed.

"I had no face left to lose. My partners had all left. My competitors were waiting for me to go home and take over my land."

Today, his two operating farms in Johor totalling 100 acres (40.5ha) produce about three tonnes of brinjals, guavas, chillies and lady fingers a day.

About a third of his produce makes its way to Singapore markets, the rest is sold in Malaysia.He conservatively estimates the farm makes at least $3,000 in revenue a day now on a 70 per cent profit margin.

By the end of this year, he plans to open a vegetable and fruit retail store in Singapore that will "truly connect the consumer from farm to fork".

He hopes to cut out the middleman and shorten the supply chain by controlling the food source, quality and price himself.

"In an urban setting, many of us do not understand how our food comes to the table, be it meats or vegetables. We don't know who grows our food, how it is processed and the work behind it. I aim to bridge that gap with lower prices wherever I can," he says.

He will set up operations in a 500 sq ft shophouse in Teban Gardens, offering online ordering and delivery to homes direct from his farms.

Taking a leaf from Apple's experiential stores, he has set himself the challenge of branding vegetables - now as generic as they come - by educating consumers on what goes into growing a bale of bak choy.

He plans to have a cooking area in his store, which will sell ready-to-go lunch boxes. He is also working on a mobile app that shows what's growing in his farms weekly, leading to an order tab.

He is trying out an integrated Japanese farming model, where he is growing a bunch of vegetables and rearing free-range chickens.

His mentor Viswa Sadasivan, 54, CEO of Strategic Moves consultancy, notes: "As they say, when you want something badly, the universe will conspire to make it happen... Through sheer self-efficacy, unrelenting zeal, street smartness and a good dose of recklessness, Zhuang will be the change that he wants." New way to compete

BRINGING up the rear in class made the Anglo-Chinese School and St Andrew's Junior College boy explore new ways of competing with smarter kids, where he wouldn't be so disadvantaged.

During SMU school breaks, the only son of a retired naval officer and hairdresser interned at investment banks and brokerages. "I realised going to office in a nice suit and tie wasn't my cup of tea," he says, resolving to do his own thing.

By the time he was 22, he had tried and failed in five start-ups, dealing in Web-hosting, smartphones and MP3 players. "Eventually all failed for various reasons but I packed up the lessons and hoped to apply them some time down the road," he says.

He excelled at his entrepreneurship module at SMU, where he graduated in business and sociology with a merit degree in 2009, at the worst of the financial crisis. He was already knee-deep in mud at his farm then but noted that many of his peers, despite the scarcity of jobs, preferred to wait it out to parlay their good grades for a good MNC job.

Perhaps because of what he has gone through, he bemoans that Singaporeans lack the entrepreneurial, never-say-die spirit of yore.

"Singapore seems to be a very high-end sweatshop where Singaporeans are just very good workers. If we look at the Singapore skyline, compared to Hong Kong, not many of our great skyscrapers are built by private funds. Many are government-linked or enabled. But we really need to guard our economy against global competition with strong, entrepreneurial Singaporean companies that won't just pack up and leave.

"We need to find new means and ways, other than doing terribly well in school, to compete in the global economy with more grit and innovation. Our generation needs more Robert Kuoks, Ho Kwon Pings and Olivia Lums. Or there will be no more stories of that crazy guy who tried to change the world to tell our children."

In his own way, he is trying to show that the path less travelled - though no picnic - is possible and profitable. He is frank that he is betting the farm and going for broke because he hopes to "break out of the middle class".

"I don't want a life of servicing a mortgage. The entrepreneur's earning curve is exponential."

For now, the learning curve remains steep and riddled with potholes. He now lives alone in a rented, cement-floored terrace house near his Johor farm without hot water. He has "zero lifestyle", waking at 6am and sleeping at 10pm - "old man's hours".

He returns to his family's three-room HDB flat in Jurong only once a month in his eight-year-old Subaru Impreza. He saved up to go to Brazil to watch the World Cup next year but spent the money on fertiliser instead.

It is awkward during Chinese New Year with relatives asking why he is pushing 30 and not yet making money. He is raring to make his mother, in her 60s and who still works 12 hours a day at her salon, proud.

"She's my greatest supporter, she believed in me even when nobody did," he gushes. He would love to marry his girlfriend of three years, Stephanie, a preschool teacher in Hong Kong, soon. For once, he wants to eat at one of those swank restaurants at Marina Bay Sands his peers frequent, he sighs. But all that will have to wait.

Meanwhile, he mounts his Eurostar tractor in muddy Crocs, surveying his land. "If I try hard enough and stay in the game long enough, I will eventually succeed," he says with pursed lips.


Lim Hong Zhuang on...

Why he has not given up

"Farming is relatively hard, even for experienced companies with huge resources. Entry barriers are high as it is both capital- and labour-intensive. It's a hands-on job that needs a strong character and a lot of patience. If I stay the course, there's a chance for me to develop both my character and career at the same time."

His worst day ever

"Last Chinese New Year, after paying salaries, I drove back to Singapore and arrived home at midnight. I got a ring at 2.30am from my workers that some thugs were at the farm accusing them of stealing livestock. I had to rush back to Seremban, exhausted, at 4am to resolve the conflict. Just the night before, my then partner had rung me to say he was pulling out of the venture. Double whammy." Vagaries of nature

"During the monsoon season in October, it rained for almost two weeks. The banks of the river broke, (the waters) swept away a bridge I built and flooded the farm. Being a city boy, I had never heard the roaring waters of an angry river. It was terrifying. I was up all night holding onto my dog, hoping the water wouldn't flood the container I slept in. Needless to say, the morning after was spent dealing with the loss of a whole cycle of crops, damaged infrastructure and demoralised workers."

Organic farming

"It's a hippie hoax. Organic farming is very difficult in our equatorial climate where everything, including insects, grows so fast. I actually consider organic as taking a step back because fertilisers and chemicals were invented for good reason. Going organic means taking away these two factors of production and selling for more money."

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  NParks assistant director behind Brompton bikes controversy charged
Posted by: pianist - 29-08-2013, 11:17 PM - Forum: Others - Replies (16)


The Straits Times

Thursday, Aug 29, 2013

SINGAPORE - The National Parks Board (NParks) assistant director behind the controversial purchase of 26 Brompton bicycles has been charged with providing false information to government officials.

Bernard Lim Yong Soon, 42, allegedly told Ministry of National Development (MND) officials that he did not have a personal relationship with Lawrence Lim Chun How, a director of BikeHop Singapore that won the contract to supply NParks with Brompton bikes.

Bernard Lim was also charged in a district court on Thursday morning with abetting Lawrence Lim to lie about their friendship to MND officials conducting an internal audit on the tender.

The NParks' purchase of 26 Brompton bikes for $2,200 each from BikeHop came under scrutiny for irregularities in the tender process. The MND suspended Lim and referred the case to the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau last July. His case will be heard again on Sept 27. Those guilty of providing false information to a public servant face up to a year in jail, a fine of up to $5,000, or both.

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  Asiana offers $12,000 to crashed plane survivors
Posted by: pianist - 11-08-2013, 05:35 PM - Forum: Others - No Replies

SEOUL - Asiana Airlines said Sunday it was offering an initial compensation payment worth $10,000 (S$12,000) to all surviving passengers on board a plane that crashed in San Francisco last month killing three people.The South Korean airline recently started offering the cash to help the 288 surviving passengers meet urgent medical expenses and other needs before final compensation amounts are decided later, an Asiana spokeswoman told AFP."This is a minimum payment we are offering for all passengers, regardless of whether they were injured or not," she said, adding the amount will be deducted from the total compensation once it is decided.Those who were relatively unharmed and whose ultimate compensation may come to less than $10,000 will still be allowed to keep the rest of the money, she added.The latest offer is not a settlement and will not affect ongoing or future lawsuits filed by passengers, the spokeswoman added.South Korea's second-largest air carrier is faced with a horde of legal battles after the July 6 crash, which left three dead and some 180 injured.The tail of the Boeing 777 passenger jet from Shanghai via Seoul broke off after clipping a seawall short of the runway, prompting the aircraft skid out of control and catch fire.Alongside 16 crew members the aircraft was carrying 291 passengers - many of them Chinese - and more than 120 of them escaped unharmed. The cause of the crash is under investigation by US aviation authorities.A group of 83 passengers on board the flight filed a lawsuit in July seeking millions from Boeing and warned their claim may be expanded to include Asiana later.Other groups of passengers have reportedly filed separate suits in the US. - See more at: http://www.relax.com.sg/article/news/asi...FTZtI.dpuf

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  Cabby donates liver to stranger after reading Facebook appeal
Posted by: pianist - 11-08-2013, 05:32 PM - Forum: Others - Replies (5)


Mr Tong Ming Ming, 34, was on a tea break during reservist training in early March when an SMS and a Facebook post by his secondary school friend Regina Lim caught his eye.

Liver donor, Mr Tong Ming Ming, 34:

I'm a taxi driver. I used to be a police officer for 10 years. I decided to drive a taxi because I needed the free time. I need to juggle between earning a decent income and also to do my volunteer work.

So what I do, when I have the time, is to pick and send amputees to Tan Tock Seng Hospital. I would send and pick retirees to and from church, and I also organise meet-ups, as I mentor a group of boys who are ex-probationers. When I cover my (taxi) rental and my petrol, I would go and do my volunteer work.

I got to know the amputees from Chinatown when they play mahjong. The retirees are also from Chinatown, Lavender and Jalan Minyak who live in the one-room rental flats. The kids, they are my boys from Gracehaven Children's Home and also the Singapore Boys' Hostel.

As and when they need me to ferry them, I will go, regardless of distance. Usually, I don't collect a fare from them.

I was doing my reservist, and I saw this post on Facebook. Somebody needed an urgent liver transplant, and I don't even know that somebody. Later, I found out it was a friend's friend's friend. Quite complicated. But somehow, I felt a prompting in my heart that I needed to respond to this call for donation, this appeal for donation.

I think it's not easy for the family, especially when it's declared that he has only 7 days left (to live). So there was this prompting, this heavy burden on me that I needed to respond, even though it is a stranger.

When I went for the briefing thing by the surgeons, they told me the risk that I had to take out 70 per cent of my liver, (and) my gall bladder will be removed. That means I cannot store bile juice. Bile is needed to digest fats, so post-op, I will somehow put on weight, because the gall bladder is removed. And then, there's a 1 per cent mortality rate. That means one person out a hundred will die on the operating table.

There are also side effects with medication. Some people will become bald - botak, and then, some people will also have diabetes and high blood pressure.

But I went with the peace of God. But I had to bring my mum down, because I needed to next-of-kin's consent to this. My mum was ok, she knows that since young, I wanted to help someone. I told when I was very young, if I died, to donate all my organs. So she knows that I had to do this. So I got the full support from my mum.

It was very tiring for my mum. She had to be grilled by the interviewers, because according to the ethics committee, according to the HOTA - the Human Organ Transplant Act - there shouldn't be any money involved in this. So they were very careful in the selection process, that I'm not selling my liver for profit.

There wasn't any fear, because 1 per cent is not very high. To me, I needed to do what was more important, to save a life, and not be so concerned about the side effects and the mortality rate.

The operation itself was on Friday. Mine was about 9 hours. They had to open me up, take out my liver and then, while I'm being stitched back, operate on Mr Toh (the liver recipient), so it was side-by-side.

The whole operation lasted about 20 hours.

After that, post-op, I became good friends with Mr Toh. I was invited to his home a few times, and then we became quite close. I think naturally, because a part of me is in him.

He started sharing about his family, and coincidentally, before the operation, I found out - my mum found out - that my mum and his dad - they used to stay in the same kampung. So it's a very small world.

And for Mr Toh, it was very urgent. He needed a transplant in 7 days, if not, he will be gone.

I came from a broken family, so I can imagine a 3-year-old boy (Mr Toh's son) growing up without his dad. Maybe that was what prompted me to respond to this.

Since secondary school days, my form teacher - Miss Yap - she was very active in volunteer work. So she will bring us to children's homes, to old folks' homes. That's where I learnt about helping others.

I came from a very broken family. My dad, because of his own problems, we had to sell 2 flats to help him settle his problems.

I don't want other people to go through what I went through. I know I cannot help a lot of people, I cannot help the entire world, but if I can just help one, make a difference in one, to me, that's enough.

A lot of people think I had a good job in police force, why did I leave to become a social worker, to become a volunteer? I think the priorities are different in my life. It's not about getting cash and cars and everything. I think it's beyond that. There's a purpose in all our lives

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Posted by: pianist - 05-08-2013, 11:20 PM - Forum: Others - Replies (2)

hi, anyone knows how to buy shares of this company? thks

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  Setting up of an investment limited partnership
Posted by: Edward.g - 05-08-2013, 07:24 PM - Forum: Others - Replies (11)


I am looking to set up a limited partnership to manage some money for family and friends, amount below 300k. The focus of the fund is to long equities, bonds and options. After doing research online, it seems that there is a need to obtain a Capital Market Services License from the MAS. However, the granting of such license seem to have conditions which are not easy to fulfill. 

Are there any ways to circumvent/ways to start a partnership at a minimum cost? Or would an offshore structure with less restrictions be more appropriate?

I understand that a corporate services or law firm would have the best answer for me but would like to get some heads up from buddies with experience here first.

Thank you so much for your help!

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  Advice/help needed:- 5.1% Class B Non-Cumulative Non-Convertible Preference Shares
Posted by: Greenrookie - 01-08-2013, 10:23 PM - Forum: Others - Replies (9)

Dear all forummers,

The weirdest thing happen, my MIL hold quite a significant amt of
5.1% Class B Non-Cumulative Non-Convertible Preference Shares

Which is redeem by OCBC, and supposed to receive the payout payment in 29 July.

Till today, she did not receive her payment! Who can I call to find out? CDP branch??

I am a bit worried for her, as her retirement fund is with this.

Appreciate any advice.

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  A reply from CEO of J.P. Morgan to a pretty girl seeking a rich husband
Posted by: Greenrookie - 01-08-2013, 02:58 PM - Forum: Others - Replies (6)


This might be the best thing I’ve seen in a while:

A reply from CEO of J.P. Morgan to a pretty girl seeking a rich husband

A young and pretty lady posted this on a popular forum:

Title: What should I do to marry a rich guy?

I’m going to be honest of what I’m going to say here.
I’m 25 this year. I’m very pretty, have style and good taste. I wish to marry a guy with $500k annual salary or above.
You might say that I’m greedy, but an annual salary of $1M is considered only as middle class in New York.
My requirement is not high. Is there anyone in this forum who has an income of $500k annual salary? Are you all married?
I wanted to ask: what should I do to marry rich persons like you?
Among those I’ve dated, the richest is $250k annual income, and it seems that this is my upper limit.
If someone is going to move into high cost residential area on the west of New York City Garden(?), $250k annual income is not enough.
I’m here humbly to ask a few questions:

1) Where do most rich bachelors hang out? (Please list down the names and addresses of bars, restaurant, gym)
2) Which age group should I target?
3) Why most wives of the riches are only average-looking? I’ve met a few girls who don’t have looks and are not interesting, but they are able to marry rich guys.
4) How do you decide who can be your wife, and who can only be your girlfriend? (my target now is to get married)
Ms. Pretty

A philosophical reply from CEO of J.P. Morgan:

Dear Ms. Pretty,
I have read your post with great interest. Guess there are lots of girls out there who have similar questions like yours. Please allow me to analyse your situation as a professional investor.
My annual income is more than $500k, which meets your requirement, so I hope everyone believes that I’m not wasting time here.
From the standpoint of a business person, it is a bad decision to marry you. The answer is very simple, so let me explain.
Put the details aside, what you’re trying to do is an exchange of “beauty" and “money" : Person A provides beauty, and Person B pays for it, fair and square.
However, there’s a deadly problem here, your beauty will fade, but my money will not be gone without any good reason. The fact is, my income might increase from year to year, but you can’t be prettier year after year.
Hence from the viewpoint of economics, I am an appreciation asset, and you are a depreciation asset. It’s not just normal depreciation, but exponential depreciation. If that is your only asset, your value will be much worse 10 years later.
By the terms we use in Wall Street, every trading has a position, dating with you is also a “trading position".
If the trade value dropped we will sell it and it is not a good idea to keep it for long term - same goes with the marriage that you wanted. It might be cruel to say this, but in order to make a wiser decision any assets with great depreciation value will be sold or “leased".
Anyone with over $500k annual income is not a fool; we would only date you, but will not marry you. I would advice that you forget looking for any clues to marry a rich guy. And by the way, you could make yourself to become a rich person with $500k annual income.This has better chance than finding a rich fool.

Hope this reply helps.

J.P. Morgan CEO

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  How to win in China: Top brands share tips for success
Posted by: Boon - 25-07-2013, 09:55 PM - Forum: Others - No Replies

How to win in China: Top brands share tips for success
24 July 2013
By Ian Rose

The masses of new middle-class consumers in China are one of the big targets for global companies battling the sluggish economies of Europe and North America.

But which companies have managed to stand out in this important market?

The BBC asked global brand research company Millward Brown to find the 20 most powerful foreign brands in China, the ones that have gone in and succeeded where many others have failed.......................................................................


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