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  Paint detected in drain, NEA to take legal action against firm
Posted by: pianist - 31-05-2014, 08:51 PM - Forum: Others - Replies (2)

SINGAPORE: The National Environment Agency (NEA) will take legal action against Rynamo Building Services for causing pollution of a waterway under the Environmental Protection and Management Act.

NEA said blue paint was detected in a drain at Clover Way on Thursday (May 29).

Investigations revealed that it came from a paint drum that had tipped over into the drain at Mayfair Industrial Building at No. 51 Jalan Pemimpin.

PUB contained the discharge within the drain which was cleared up on the same day.

NEA said water samples taken downstream of Clover Way on Thursday showed that there was no impact to the water quality.

- CNA/gn

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  Photos that reveal North Korea's shocking construction methods
Posted by: Behappyalways - 31-05-2014, 01:27 PM - Forum: Others - No Replies


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  What government can do to probably help Singaporean's criticism over foreigners
Posted by: kagemusha - 30-05-2014, 10:22 AM - Forum: Others - Replies (17)

Warning : Please do not take this as a bashing thread.
Bashing government policies without offering viable alternatives equates to rubbish.

While I generally feel that foreigners are ok, there are some policies that I think, needs addressing.

First, what is talent in the context of bringing in foreigners?
Someone/some knowledge we lack, and cannot produce locally quickly/fast enough?

I admit there will always be a need, given that we need manpower to fuel the economy. The alternative of having slow growth is really not enviable. Looking at some European countries and US cities, where the people have no jobs, no money.... I don't think I want to go there.
We need to understand, while we can probably afford some slow growth, to go on long term is untenable. Others will move and catch up and if we cut ourselves slack and would our position be unrecoverable? No one knows but why take the chance.

However, are all talents that we bring in is something we lack or cannot produce quickly?

Case in point, I accompany my father to the public hospital for checkup. Cannot help but noticed that we have foreign doctors now.
My first thought, really, we lack of local doctors?
Maybe.... Is it due to difficulty getting into local university to study medicine that causes the shortage? As far as I know, there are always people applying to study medicine. But NUS only admits a certain number.
Are we shooting ourselves in the feet by limiting our own ability to produce doctors by our high standards while maybe, just maybe, allowing some doctors from other countries which may not have the exacting standards that NUS have coming in to work as a doc? A backdoor of some kind?

If lack of doctors, why not increase the intake and lengthen the number of years they need to serve in public hospital with no release clause/punitive clauses that really takes a hit at people's pocket like $1 million. After all, they want to be doctors due to "passion". Serving an additional 3-4 years should be able to tell if your "passion" is sustainable.

I get the same feeling about other workers. We have people that qualify for foreign universities but rejected by our own. While it is damn easy for foreigners to get a degree in their own country and come and take jobs here. We also know that people that moves out of Sg do not come back. Are we again shooting ourselves here?

Are we disadvantaging our own people because of our exacting standards?

I got the feeling that the current generation of policy makers do not think as far and thorough as their predecessor.

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  Suicide response to China burial ban
Posted by: greengiraffe - 29-05-2014, 08:26 PM - Forum: Others - Replies (8)

Suicide response to China burial ban

A LOOMING prohibition on burials and the destruction of 46,000 coffins before they can be used — all part of “funeral reforms” — have triggered a spate of suicides among elderly Chinese desperate not to be cremated.

At least a dozen people in their 70s and 80s are believed to have taken their lives over recent days in a last-ditch effort to be dead and buried before June 1.

If they die before the cut-off on Sunday, they can still legally be interred. After that date, according to the draconian program in Anhui province, eastern China, the dearly departed will all be cremated.

The suicide spree has primarily affected the city of Anqing, a poor area of China whose residents have lived for centuries by the code of ru tu wei an; a belief that a soul can be at peace only if it is laid to rest in the ground.

Many Anqing residents buy their coffins decades before their deaths, spending a year's income on a casket and taking comfort from the knowledge that they will pass into the afterlife in its sumptuous embrace.

The decision to ban burials and force everyone to accept cremation is supposedly an effort to protect the region from forest fires. Because local rituals include burnt sacrifices, the risk of accidental fires during burials has supposedly increased.

In their fervour to assure the success of the reform — and to guarantee their careers in a system that does not tolerate failure — officials in Anqing have deployed a small army of hired thugs to enforce the new policy, with thousands of the pre-bought coffins seized from their horrified owners and smashed to pieces.

Some are offered derisory compensation for their coffins; others are cruelly presented with the shattered remnants to use as firewood.

One panic-stricken woman aged 88 was so determined to beat the June 1 ultimatum that she attempted suicide four times by drinking pesticide.

Another, Zheng Shifang, 83, from Luting village, was forced to watch as her fine fir-wood casket was sawn up before her eyes. She fainted, and later attempted suicide with sleeping pills. When that failed, she hanged herself.

The authorities have insisted that there is “no causal link” between the funeral reforms and the sudden spate of suicides. The families of the victims, however, disagree, many describing the dismal deaths of loved ones robbed of the last thing they had to look forward to.

The suicides have mostly come by hanging or poison.

Liu Shaolian, who paid for her $500 coffin from her meagre savings as a matchmaker, dived into the village well and drowned.

After a month-long orgy of coffin destruction, it is now estimated that just 800 caskets remain at large in Anqing, kept far from prying eyes in the homes of those desperate to hold on to their beloved contraband.

The Times

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  MP Inderjit Singh on foreign talent
Posted by: cfa - 28-05-2014, 09:38 AM - Forum: Others - Replies (29)

"For those who are committed to Singapore and treat Singapore as their own home, we should make it work; but for those who treat Singapore as a hotel to stay for a while and who use Singapore as a stepping stone for their future life somewhere else, we don’t have to bend backwards to give them citizen privileges."


Rather surprise our leaders just realized this ?

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  Australia Investor Retirement (above 55) Visa
Posted by: greengiraffe - 27-05-2014, 01:23 PM - Forum: Others - Replies (4)

A mate of mine highlighted this option for rich retirees (above 55) aspiring an angmo retirement lifestyle:


Go check out if anyone is interested.

No Vested Interests
Kay Poh Buddy

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  The value of politicking?!!
Posted by: brattzz - 26-05-2014, 10:19 PM - Forum: Others - Replies (4)

SG parliament restarts today and already politickings is getting on my nerves...Angry


Constructive Politickings

LTK Vs President's speech Vs Iranee Vs Singh...

I really wish all these politickings to stop and focus on the real issues on-hand...transport/NS/populations/healthcare/retirement...

i want to ask VBs...Big Grin

What is the true value of politickings? Tongue

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  Turkish PM Rattling really shock me
Posted by: corydorus - 19-05-2014, 12:31 AM - Forum: Others - Replies (2)

Quite shocked to see a head of state, rattling off a list of mine accidents worldwide dated like in 1940s, 1950s ... for like 15 min (no joke but that was what it feels like) in a press conference when a journalist asked him a normal question of the recent mine accident in the country.

Never knew A PM can go so low and caliber so bad. How he get voted to that position is really puzzling.

"Erdogan made a bad situation worse by going to Soma on Wednesday and rattling off a long list of deadly mining accidents elsewhere, going back to 19th-century Britain, before declaring: “Such things happen.”"


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  Pioneer generation get generous subsidies for outpatient treatment
Posted by: pianist - 17-05-2014, 11:28 PM - Forum: Others - Replies (11)

Salma Khalik
The Straits Times

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Announcing generous subsidies for citizens 65 years or older this year, Health Minister Gan Kim Yong said on Saturday that their benefits will be "unique".

Get the full story from The Straits Times.

Here is a statement from the Ministry of Health:

The Government has introduced the Pioneer Generation Package to honour and thank our Pioneers for their hard work and dedication. About 450,000 Singapore Citizens will benefit from the Pioneer Generation Package, which will help our Pioneers with their healthcare costs for life.

One key component of the Pioneer Generation Package is to help our Pioneers receive quality primary care at a network of more than 1,000 CHAS GP and dental clinics near their homes. This way, long-term relationships can be built between our Pioneers and their trusted doctors in their neighbourhoods.

From 1 September 2014, all Pioneers will be able to benefit from special CHAS subsidies for common illnesses, chronic conditions under the Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP), selected dental services, and health screening recommended by the Health Promotion Board (HPB) under its Integrated Screening Programme (ISP).

As with all CHAS beneficiaries, Pioneers who are assessed to require specialist care can be referred by the CHAS clinics to Specialist Outpatient Clinics (SOCs) in the public institutions. They can be referred as subsidised patients.

To receive the above benefits, Pioneers are required to bring their Pioneer Generation card and NRIC when visiting a CHAS clinic. Every Pioneer will be issued an individual Pioneer Generation card, which will automatically be sent to his/her NRIC-registered address by September 2014.

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  The big gamble - Junior Lims via ASX Listed Donaco
Posted by: greengiraffe - 17-05-2014, 02:30 PM - Forum: Others - No Replies

"We think that Genting will have the big casinos around the world and these guys (junior Lims) will pick up the boutique casinos."

The big gamble
3971 words
17 May 2014
The Australian Financial Review
Copyright 2014. Fairfax Media Management Pty Limited.
Fortune A small casino on the border of China and Vietnam provides an intriguing insight into rising tensions – and Australian ambitions, writes Lisa Murray, with Lucy Gao.

A woman is hovering behind the baccarat tables at the Lao Cai International Hotel in northern Vietnam, clutching her fake, bright pink Chanel handbag. It's 9am and she is visibly anxious. But she dares not approach the man brooding at a table just five metres away. Her husband believes she has brought him bad luck.

The couple have been at this part-Australian-owned casino in the riverside town of Lao Cai, just across the border from China, for 11 hours straight.

Ms Wang, who will only give her last name, caught a few hours' sleep in her room upstairs but has come down to try to wrench her husband away from the gaming floor.

"He hasn't eaten or slept," she says nervously. "Gamblers' brains work differently."

An hour later, Ms Wang's husband, who quit his job as a timber floor tradesman and became a professional gambler a few years ago, has finally broken even. He decides to rest. They shuffle off in silence. Another man in a black T-shirt, holding a stack of chips, moves in quickly to take his place.

The Lao Cai International Hotel – one of Vietnam's first legal casinos – is all business. Something like an RSL Club, it is a no-frills offering for the Mandarin-speaking clientele, who pour across the border to come here. The one small bar on its gaming floor is limited to the bare necessities: Red Bull, Sprite, cigarettes and instant noodles. But the players aren't bothered. They are here for the casino's eight baccarat tables, not cocktails.

Most of the patrons are regulars from nearby Yunnan, a relatively undeveloped province in China's south with a population of 46 million. They are mining bosses, property developers, rice traders and fruit sellers. In the past decade, as China's economy more than quadrupled in size, even Yunnan has seen the rise of a class that feels comfortable enough to travel for its gambling fix, and to gamble increasingly higher sums.

The rise of that class is crucial to the strategy operating at Lao Cai, one that has turned this casino into an unlikely success story. So far, the returns for Australian backers have been substantial. But this investment is not for the timid.

Even though casinos are outlawed on the mainland, gambling in China is a national obsession. An estimated 910 billion yuan ($156 billion) is wagered illegally in the country every year, in gambling dens and on street corners across the country.

At least another 600 billion yuan is reportedly spent in offshore casinos, including China's special autonomous region of Macau, the only place in the country where they are allowed. Glamorous Macau, a smaller market than Las Vegas in 2006, is now more than seven times the size of that American landmark. Last year, Macau reported gambling revenue of $US45 billion.

This gambling obsession is why the Vietnamese government decided more than a decade ago to give the green light to a handful of casinos catering only to foreigners. Gambling is still banned for its own citizens but the casinos bring in tax revenue, development, and lead to jobs for locals.

The obsession is also why Joey and Benjamin Lim, scions of Malaysia's Genting gaming empire, chose to branch out from the family and be among the first casino operators in Vietnam.

And now it is Australian fund managers and superannuation funds which are also trying to better understand gamblers such as the Wangs.

Last year, the Lim brothers – Malaysia's answer to James Packer 10 years ago: young, wealthy, plugged into a global gaming network and full of casino plans – chose Australia as the place to list the casino's parent company, Donaco International.

As the federal government pushes businesses to become part of the "Asian Century" and Donaco opens up a new and much bigger venue in Lao Cai, the challenge for local investors is to look beyond the numbers.

They must balance the huge growth potential of this casino, on the doorstep of the largest gambling market in the world, against the risks associated with a regulatory environment that, at the very best, could be called opaque, and the ever-present geo­political tensions between the communist governments of China and Vietnam.

Just this week, bloody protests erupted across southern Vietnam after China started drilling for oil in disputed waters near the Paracel Islands. At least two Chinese workers died and dozens of Chinese- and Taiwanese-owned factories were set on fire as relations between the two countries hit a new low.

Until now, Australian investors have seemed undaunted. Lao Cai may be far from the opulence of Macau but it has served the Lims well over the past decade and has already rewarded their new Australian backers. After the company's first capital raising in February last year, priced at 35¢, shares in Donaco more than quadrupled.

That allowed the Lims to raise $125 million on the local market over 18 months from the likes of Colonial First State, Wilson Asset Management and BT Investment.

Fund managers took a bet on the growth potential of a casino which also benefits from a relatively cheap, albeit low-skilled, local workforce, although some original backers, like Ellerston Capital, run by Crown director Ashok Jacob, sold out. After a big run, the shares fell over the past few months, dropping back below $1 this week and then, with news of the riots, closed Friday at 87¢.

The reality is this business relies entirely on the free flow of people and funds across the Chinese-Vietnamese border. The threat of border closures looms large, particularly as diplomatic relations deteriorate. China's foreign ministry said on Thursday it was "shocked" by the "trashing and burning activities" in the riots and said they had "every­thing to do with Vietnam indulgence".

At the very least, the latest violence is expected to lead to greater scrutiny along the border of both legal and illegal crossings. Last week, AFR Weekend spoke to at least 10 people in Lao Cai and Hekou, on the Chinese side, who claim illegal border crossings are still one of the most popular ways for Chinese people to gain access to the casino.

Border passes or visas can be applied for, but it seems many of the Chinese gamblers who flock to Lao Cai would rather not have their visits listed among immigration records, especially given China's official distaste for gambling. And so the eager players go the illegal way, usually by taking a ferry across the Red River, which divides the two towns. Interviewees also talked about how gamblers get round limits on the amount of cash that can be taken out of China.

The risk for the Lims and their backers is whether Chinese authorities will start to tighten the rules.

None of this seemed to be bothering the gamblers at the casino last Tuesday.Bigger and brighter casino Some coalmining bosses were already sitting at the VIP tables, where the minimum bet is $500. Others, such as Tian, a fruit vendor from the small Yunnan city of Yuxi, were trying to scrape enough money together for a $50 bet. Like most people in and around the casino, Tian was willing to disclose only his last name. But he did confess to losing all of his money over the past month, including some of his brother's savings.

"I'm too scared to go home," he admits. Instead, for the past month, he has been staying on the floors of friends' hotel rooms and waiting to see whether his luck will change. Some nights there is no bed and he sits it out in the casino.

That's no problem because "The Club", as it is sentimentally referred to by staff and regulars, is a 24-hour operation aimed squarely at the Chinese market. The only currency used is the Chinese yuan and the Vietnamese dealers, waiters and bar staff are required to speak fluent Mandarin.

In recent years, the casino has outgrown its ageing venue. On Sunday, its replacement, a $53 million, 12-storey casino complex officially opens. And next Friday, the Lim brothers, both in their mid-30s with a rumoured penchant for Cristal champagne, will host a ceremony for its launch.

It might be basic by Macau standards but the new venue towers over the town and boasts a five-star hotel with 428 rooms, a gaming floor with up to 50 tables and special VIP sections complete with private dining and massage chairs. If all goes well, it is expected to drive earnings up significantly over the next three years.

Tian is excited about the opening because he has heard managers will hand out "hongbaos" or red envelopes to regulars, a Chinese tradition on special occasions. The envelopes will be filled with a small amount of cash; most of it is likely to find its way back to the casino. Tian is hoping he can make his brother's money back and return home.

The new venue will be a substantial upgrade from The Club, where the leather trim on the baccarat tables is worn through and a sign in the corner warns patrons not to spit or ash on the already grubby carpet.

Some of the Lims' $125 million capital raising has been spent on the new casino; some has been earmarked for investments in other casinos around the region with a focus on Southeast Asia.Australian affinity

When the company was originally looking to raise money, it surprised the market by choosing the Australian Stock Exchange as its preferred home rather than Hong Kong, where the Lims are based, or the regional hub of Singapore.

Donaco's Sydney-based executive director is Ben Reichel, previously general counsel for wagering group Tab Limited and racing broadcaster Sky Channel. He had been working for Two Way Limited, a small Australian gaming company with which Donaco effectively merged and took over so it could list on the ASX. He chose to stick around.

Explaining the Lims' Australian listing, he says other Asian markets were crowded with big gaming stocks. "There's a lot of investors in the Australian market who understand the gaming industry and have done very well out of it over the years."

In spite of Donaco's share rise since, there have been some disappointments for investors. They include a lack of detail about the status of the new venue's gaming licence and how many tables it will be able to operate. There was also some concern about construction delays, which meant a missed opening for the important holiday period over Chinese New Year in February.

Just two weeks ago, the new casino was still a construction site, with piles of rubble and excavators lining the entrance road. The gaming floor was laid out with shiny new tables wrapped in plastic but bored workers were sprawled on the brightly coloured carpet. The marble floor in the elaborate entrance hall was yet to be finished.

From his office in Hong Kong, founder and managing director Joey Lim stresses this weekend is just the soft opening and operations will gradually ramp up. The eldest grandson of legendary Genting founder Lim Goh Tong and nephew of the Malaysian casino group's current chairman, K.T. Lim, he speaks carefully and slowly in a clipped British accent, as he lays out the founding story that led from North Vietnam to Sydney.Intrepid pioneers

It is clearly one he has told before.

It all started with an intrepid journey across the borderlands.

He and his late grandfather were alerted to the Vietnam opportunity in late 2001 but the elder Lim was concerned the venture would be "hamstrung" by Vietnam's "foreigner-only policy" for its casinos.

The pair flew to Hanoi and took the overnight train to Lao Cai. The government rolled out the red carpet (the Vietnam government still owns 5 per cent of the casino group, a stake recently reduced from its original 25 per cent), but the Lims were concerned about the region's economic future.

The elder Lim decided they should extend their trip and go up through China to see first-hand where the players might come from. It was a "harrowing experience", according to Joey Lim, who was just 24 at the time. Their driver fell asleep while navigating the winding mountain roads up through Yunnan. "Twice, the wheels actually went off the side of the road," he says.

But the Lims survived and ultimately went ahead with the Vietnamese casino.

"Along the way, my grandfather saw that there was a fair bit of potential", in terms of population and economic development in Yunnan, Lim says.

Plans for a rail line and new highway down to the border, which is now in place and has cut the 12-hour trip in half, "really clinched it for him".

It proved a good decision and, three-and-a-half years ago, the Lim brothers moved to more aggressively market the casino to junket operators and tour guides.

"We saw the business boom overnight," he says. During the six months ended December 31, gaming turnover at the casino was up 33 per cent to $862 million, with net gaming revenue rising by more than half to almost $9 million. (Although this is still a moderate result for a company with a $400 million market value.)Gambling on growth

"We literally can't accommodate all of the players that want to come down," Reichel says. "We work with about 24 junket operators but we can't accommodate more than two or three of them at one time. We have to put them on a roster."

On Chinese public holidays, more than a thousand people pack into the old casino's small gaming floor. Three separate junket operators told AFR Weekend the new venue would allow them to attract more high rollers, who expect a certain standard, while their regulars were also keen for the upgrade.

"We found our sweet spot was the premium mass market," says Lim.

He explains that the smaller, understated operation appeals to the type of gamblers that wouldn't quite make it as VIPs in Macau.

Spend $100,000 in Macau and you'll be lucky to get noticed among the super wealthy; in Lao Cai, you'll be treated to free accommodation, use of a Mercedes-Benz SUV and private gaming rooms.

"Macau is for the super rich," says Chen, a junket operator from Zhejiang province, south of Shanghai, earning commissions for bringing players to the casino. "Here the 'middle' rich are treated like high rollers."

Chen, in black T-shirt, shorts and thongs, shoulders a tell-tale satchel for his chips. Perched at one of the baccarat tables, he has placed a few bets himself in between delivering chips to his clients.

His point about the "middle" rich hits on the latest corporate strategy fad in China. Luxury labels such as Vuitton have been targeting the mainland wealthy for decades. But now global retailers such as Apple and accessible luxury goods brands like Coach have cottoned on to the power of the upper-middle-class consumer. The Lims have been targeting those middle-class spenders for more than 10 years.

That strategy and the Lims' pedigree are why investors such as Wilson Asset Management became involved. Says chairman Geoff Wilson: "They're extremely well-connected guys and we think they have an incredible opportunity to go global. Their plan is to have a number of casinos.

"We think that Genting will have the big casinos around the world and these guys will pick up the boutique casinos."Uneasy territory

But for now, Donaco is a one-casino company, and the stakes are high. There is the regulatory environment in which the Lao Cai casino must operate and the fact that investors' money is subject to the whims of two governments with a tense bilateral relationship which suffered one of its worst breakdowns this week since the two countries fought a short but brutal border war in 1979. During that fighting, Lao Cai was destroyed and after the war the border was closed for more than a decade, reopening only in 1991.

The two countries regularly lock horns over territorial disputes in the South China Sea but tensions have ratcheted up over the past two weeks following China's decision to deploy an oil rig in disputed waters near the Paracel Islands. Vietnam sent ships to the area which clashed with Chinese vessels. That triggered bloody protests in southern Vietnam, prompting a harsh exchange of words with Beijing. Chinese-focused businesses were targeted.

Lim admits China and Vietnam share a volatile history but says both Yunnan and Lao Cai province have built up substantial trade since then and are fairly autonomous when it comes to national politics.

"Every once in a while there will be a flare-up, especially over the South China Sea," he says. "But if they were to close off the border, they would just be hurting trade between the two provinces."

Reichel says so far the riots haven't affected business at the casino: "Our guys on the ground in Lao Cai are not seeing any signs of the current tensions between China and Vietnam, with Chinese players crossing the border freely. The riots that have occurred in the south are a very long way away from our property – about twice as far as the distance from Sydney to Melbourne."

Still, a particular risk for the casino is a potential crackdown, prompted by the tension, on illegal border crossings which usually involve night-time ferry rides across the Red River. The "unlucky" Ms Wang told AFR Weekend that she paid $15 for the service, which included transport to the ferry stop in Hekou and a van on the other side to pick them up and take them to the casino.

For wealthier gamblers doing an illegal crossing, junket operators offer a door-to-door service. Depending on a player's average bet size, a Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz or Porsche picks them up in Yunnan. A picturesque drive of up to six hours – past ridges lined with wind turbines and banana plantations – lands them in Hekou.

From here, says Huang, one of the drivers who regularly escorts players to Hekou, the car is dropped off and the gambler jumps on the back of a motorbike and is whisked away to the unofficial ferry stop.

The boat ride takes less than 10 minutes and there is no call for immigration checks or a passport stamp. Border guards are either avoided or paid a small "fee" for allowing the boat to drop people at the other side.

Certainly, there are gamblers who take advantage of an official 48-hour border pass available to Yunnan residents, which spares them the hassle of applying for a visa. But, says Yuk Wah Chan, an assistant professor at the City University of Hong Kong, a specialist who wrote a book on the Vietnamese-Chinese borderlands, "Traditionally, people crossed from one place to the other freely.

"It was part of the everyday life of borderlanders to cross the border for exchange of goods and family union. When border regulations were installed in the 1990s, then those natural crossings, like crossing the border through rivers, turned informal."

At least 10 people with direct knowledge of the practice confirmed to AFR Weekend that the night-time river crossings are still a popular way to enter Vietnam.

The ferry rides to Vietnam are both "easy" and "anonymous", explains Huang. Sporting a fresh crew-cut and wearing a tight white T-shirt and aviator sunglasses, Huang says he regularly drives big players from Kunming, Yunnan's capital, to Hekou. He claims a client recently lost 30 million yuan ($5.1 million) at the casino.

One young hotel manager, whose rooms overlook the Red River, explains there's no problem checking guests in without their passports. They just pay extra. His entire hotel is booked out by junket operators or players and some of them stay for months at a time, he says in broken Mandarin.

There are some signs of a tightening-up of the lax border controls. A ferry driver on the Hekou side, who ostensibly takes tourists on river cruises, says there is "no way" he would ever take a foreigner over to Lao Cai because the border guards wouldn't allow it.

His price for a Chinese person is expensive, about $50, and he attaches conditions; the passenger can stay only for the day and must be accompanied by the boat driver at all times.

This more careful approach may have first started in response to closer scrutiny by Chinese authorities, after the terrorist attack at Kunming Railway Station in March, in which 29 people were killed and 140 injured. Huang said the attack had prompted concern from authorities that the ferry route into Vietnam could be used by fleeing terrorists.

Lim insists these "informal" crossings are becoming less frequent: "When we first started operations the majority of the border crossings weren't through the checkpoint; they were predominantly across the river. But for the past three years, the majority were through [the official] border crossing."

There are other ways China can make it harder for gamblers to spend their money at offshore casinos. Over the past week, gaming stocks in Macau have been hit by a move from authorities to crack down on the use of bogus transactions at luxury stores.

Chinese nationals are limited to taking just 20,000 yuan out of the country in cash, so gamblers regularly buy an expensive watch or jewellery from stores near Macau's casinos using their Chinese credit card. They then return the item in exchange for cash.

The casinos have also reportedly been given a July deadline to shut down the operation of illegal China UnionPay mobile swipe-card devices, which have increasingly popped up on gaming floors.

And, finally, there are lingering fears that Chinese President Xi Jinping's anti-corruption campaign within the Communist Party ranks could start to affect Macau's trade. This might include the introduction of visa restrictions.

It's unclear how all of this would affect Donaco. The Lao Cai casino operates in a special economic zone where yuan is the main currency. Patrons are limited by the amount of money they can take out of the country but this is hard to track or control.

One junket operator, who used to be a dealer but decided to start his own business and asks not to be named, told AFR Weekend "there are ways" to get around the rules.

Players can deposit money in the junket operator's Chinese bank account and receive the chips when they arrive in Lao Cai.

"It all works itself out," he says.

Australian investors may have to take his word for it.

Also in Weekend Fin Writing on the wall American artist Jenny Holzer pays tribute to Australian indigenous storytelling with a downtown Sydney installation. The good sun Light can cure depression, keep the aged younger and make us happy and hard-working – and science is discovering how. Stairway to heaven Airlines are tempting the super rich with top-deck premium luxury class: the refit is expensive but the rewards promise to be ... umm, rich. How I became an Australian For novelist Leila Yusaf Chung, dealing with racism is just part of the road to acceptance. Also: Film with John McDonald; AFR Lunch with Sir Rod Eddington; Mark Latham's Relativities.

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